
买的一个小房子,是分两批付款的,现在律师发信要求收费. 律师费单交1250.但账单上还有别的杂七杂八还要算进来,除去stamp duty和registration fee之后另外交850多镑,大家觉得这个合理吗?还有就是为什么买方要交一个developer’s solicator documentattion fee呢,这不是开放商自己交的吗?非常感谢哈

唯一看出不太对的就是一般SDLT handling fee是包括在律师费里了,这些费在最早给你quotation的时候就应该告诉你的啊。

Land registry registration fee如果online registration好像可以半价。

多谢成龙大哥,当时律师当时好像是提了这个quotation,但不知道市场惯例是包括进来,所以也没有提出异议。关于land registry fee, 我看网上说最高的一个级别也就80pounds, 这个270有点离谱了。 {:5_129:} Lower fees now introduced - GOV.UK

land registry registration fee 如果不是online注册,确实是270。


land registry registration fee 她给了这个答复, In terms of registration, you are correct about the reduced fees charged by Land Registry for applications lodged electronically. In fact, we are registered with Land Registry online and are submitting all of our clients’ registrations to Land Registry via the online portal system. However, since the Property is not yet registered and once the new lease has been completed (just after you complete the purchase), we will apply for first registration at Land Registry after completion and we expect to receive absolute leasehold title. Since this is a new lease, you must still pay the full application fee of £270 based on the purchase price, not the reduced fee of £135. 似乎是说新楼盘,所以没法减价。

Completion of the SDLT £120.00

HMLR Fee £270.00

Search Fees £324.69

Bankruptcy & priority search £5.00

Curwens fees £1,134.00

Bank Transfer Fee £39.00

Notice of Transfer & Charge £30.00

Deed of Covenant £36.00

