
我是去年10月拿的永居,之前是T1(G), 我老婆现在拿的是T2工签,我们都在英国工作。我跟我老婆今年6月在英国结的婚,现在她要办我的depandant签证,但是我们看了官网的guidance有点迷惑,不知道该用哪个表格?

我们觉得应该申请"Apply to remain in the UK with family",也就是这个:

但是后面有一个exceptions, https://www.gov.uk/remain-in-uk-family/exceptions
Your partner originally had a temporary visa as a worker
“If your partner was in the UK on a temporary visa before settling or becoming a British citizen, you may have to apply as a ‘dependant’ (partner) in their original visa category.”



谢谢回复,我们也觉得该用这个,但怎么理解这个" Your partner originally had a temporary visa as a worker"?

我记得remain 那个是续签吧

lz要是走T1得到的ilr,并且配偶在lz得到ilr之前已经在dependant路线上,这种情况下,应该续签dependent visa
lz要是走10年,配偶需要申请spouse visa,
lz的配偶实际是t2,不存在之前在dependent visa的情况,而且lz已经irl,所以配偶应该申请flr m,重新开始算5年后才能申请ilr(除非自己先够10年)

if you go to the guidance you will note the dependent form only applies if you partner/spouse currently holding a dependent visa.

FLR(M) definitely works, 100% sure. If you want to try dependent form, you may, but you may be refused and lose your application fee. If apply by post, may become an overstayer if it is refused. I understand it requires less documentation, but if you can fufil all requirements in FLRm, not point to risk. And the application fee is dramatically higher than flrm.

也就是说如果现在拿的是dependent visa那就继续续签depedent,如果现在拿的是别的签证(比如我们这种情况,我老婆拿的是T2)那么就签FLR(M)?

谢谢回复,我们也打算用FLR(M),我们看了guidance但找不到明确解释了这个temporary work visa情况,麻烦可以发个链接或者说在guidance上哪一页吗?