银行流水里余额只有1W多不到,所以在想是否可以用理财的流水来代替? 买的是建行的基金,银行说能开理财上的流水。
bank statements 银行对账单
building society book 房屋互助协会存折
proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of
employment, salary, role, company contact details) 收入证明比如工作证明确认工作详细信息
where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your
visit) is providing financial support to you e.g. a business, a friend or a relative, documents to
show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any
dependant family should be provided 如果第三方(在英国或您赴英期间在英国合法停留的