
此次更新之前,对于首次签证签发日期到实际入境日期之间的时间不超过90天的,不算absence,就是说,5年后你可以按照首次签证签发时间再提前28天申请永居,而不是以实际入境日期计算;超过90天入境的则不能计入5年时间,即只能按照实际入境日期算永居申请时间。更新后,延迟入境时间放宽到180天,但同时计入180天的allowable absence。对于大部分申请者来说,这是个利好,更多人可以提前申请永居。

Period between the issue of entry clearance and entering the UK

The period between entry clearance being issued and the applicant entering the UK may be counted toward the qualifying period. Any absences between the date of issue and entry to the UK are considered an allowable absence. This period will count towards the 180 days allowable absence in the relevant 12 month period. The applicant does not need to provide evidence to demonstrate the reason for delayed entry.

If the delay is more than 180 days, you can only include time after the applicant entered the UK in the continuous period calculation.



