

不是拿什么去报税,而是你要保留所有相关的文件包含银行账单,合同,各种维修收据等,然后去填self assessment.然后政府会寄税单给你。不懂什么是se l f assessment?Google 一下到政府网站上学习学习,学习之后还不懂?那你需要找个会计弄下



collect the cash from your tenants directly , why you want to pay tax ?

Who said that ? I know lots of Jewish landlords take only cash from their tenants ,if you deal with agencies , that is another thing ,because agencies want to be secured

We even sell the properties sometimes without paying tax ,the most important thing is that you need to know very well the policy and law , if somebody comes with a bag of cash try to buy our properties ,I will not say no , the same like I was telling one customer before ,he wants to transfer the money to our company’s account ,then he needs to pay 29 per cent of the tax on the top by himself ,depends how you want to deal with things

I m not saying that all of landlords needs to to things like me , for example , I change tenants every 4 months ,the reason is I will not give any single mother chance , no council tenants , no Muslim , no local British ,I take cash every two weeks , as one friend said the Muslim couple will not move out from his house

木有单据肿么办?自己填self assessment hmrc一般都不会有异议的吧
