Assured shorthold tenancy
This is normally for at least six months and the tenant has fewer rights to stay at the end of the tenancy period agreed.
The shorter leases can be done but the tenant would still have security of Tenure for 6 months. The Landlord would not be able to serve a Section 21 to gain possession before the 6 months are up. Most agents and landlords will therefore not do this short term agreement.
出租两个月通过agency?手续费等等加起来你没有多少钱了,我觉得It is not worth that much trouble。
@Coffe21 lodger没有tenant那么多权利,airbnb那种是guest。
I love having lodger it makes landlording life so much easier:loveliness:
龙哥对 Airbnb 那种怎么看呢? 看起来租客赖着不走的可能性低很多,而且位置好的话cash flow 应该很快,不过想到陌生人住就联想到很多惊悚电影桥段…
美女是认真的吗 还是在说反话?我也在考虑这个问题 有经验的话谈一下