拿到Mortgage offer,有几个地方不太了解,想问一下:
Reflection period是干嘛的?我我有10天的refection period,又说offer有效期是6个月。
Mortgage offer和deed发给了律师需要签名,这个有期限吗?
Offer上面有2个special conditions,一个是out conveyancer must make sure that every adult person who is to live with you at the propery signs our form of consent to mortgage. 贷款是我一个人签的,后面我wife会和我一起住,她也需要签名吗?她可以不签吗?之前银行问我的时候,我有提到过我和wife会一起住这里。
4.另外一个special condition说flat subject to a lease which has 85 years still to run at a ground rent of 200 pounds each yer。这个是什么意思?我之前询问过这个flat的lease还有200年左右的啊,这个85年是什么?
5.Flexible feature里面写了句, you do not have the right to transfer this loan to another property。不是一般的贷款,如果最后打算买其他房子可以转过去的吗?