
昨天伦敦夜里下了一场大雨,早上起来发现没啥就是canning town站被淹了,于是就没在乎开心的去上班了。






楼主这车肯定便宜不了,最好是找你的保险公司把钱从物业claim回来,这样尽管影响你下一年的premium,但是不影响NCD。最差的情况是你自己claim你自己的保险,这种情况下会影响NCD,至于怎么影响,一个是取决于你买没买NCD protection,二是你有多少年NCD,三是取决于你之前有没有claim过。举例说明,如果你没有买protection,你之前没有claim过,你现在有6年NCD,那么一般情况下,你claim完就剩下3-4年NCD,以不同保险公司的policy为准。

Thanks very much for the reply! Sorry at work so no Sougou on this computer.

My car is only 1 year old and have not been to the first service yet, it is rather painful!

So should I contact my car insurance now and ask them to claim for me from the management company or should I contact a insurance broker to claim from the management company? Or either way my car insurance company would know and increase my premium next year?

I have six years NCP, have not buy protection, and have never claimed anything before.

Thank you! It is a fairly new car and kind of expensive, so I am actually quite worried about which would be the best way to do this. As I am under 25 so that insurance would have significant increase if I claim. So I would try to avoid claiming from the insurance company anyways



I have called my car insurance company and they can arrange the replacement but will caused all my NCP. However, we agreed to ask for buildings insurance company first to minimize my damage.

I have called them but the insurance said they are not liable for cars in the building, but willing to help me claiming the insurance of the management company. The management company is in discussion with their insurance in this case. I have collected photos and the witness is the conceiage who is willing to prove. Hope the insurance of the management company can be claimed for this case.

同情,我朋友的家就在canningtown 附近,整条街都淹了。人家是house,,车是小事,可house被淹就大了。没想到canningtown 地下管道如此差劲。房价够呛。

哎真是同病相怜。这一块的地下管道确实有问题,昨天concierge给我看了那天晚上的监控,水是从Thames water的地下水井里漫出来的,从开始慢到淹了整个地下室一共只有5分钟左右,我都不敢相信他们的管道设计的没有问题。但是这事儿起诉他们又不一定有结果

停車場只需要五分鐘就淹沒了, 他敢說剛開始淹的時候就給你們挨家挨戶打電話和敲門了?
