家里花园里收拾了杂草,就长出这种植物,因为是新搬进来的,来的时候像原始森林,我们慢慢清理了杂草,发现原来的房东有紫鸾,冬青,迎春,一个小柏树,一个很香的白玫瑰,一个从新发芽长出来的月季,还有这种疯长的植物,不知道是啥,虫子喜欢吃它的叶子,有花的时候蜜蜂来采蜜 姐妹们知道这是啥不?
LS,这东西我花园里也有,不知道名字,花开着看着还可以,但就是太疯狂了,属于给点阳光就灿烂的植物,灭都灭不掉。一不小心就蔓延到隔壁花园去了。我后来受不了了就把weed killer洒根上,几次以后死悄悄了算是绝后了~
Comfrey,在英国有两个名字,common comfrey 和 Russia comfrey.开花圆筒形,有三种颜色,分别是粉色,紫色,奶白色。大概五十公分高,越长越宽阔。有它在的地方很少能长草,据说其散发气味可以除草。
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is a wonder plant. It is a dynamic accumulator, drawing minerals out of the soil and into the roots and leaves, a compost accelerator, a fine ingredient in liquid manure (comfrey tea), beneficial insect attractor, mulch, weed suppressant (we use it as a border around our veg plot to stop the paths getting overrun with weeds, biomass accumulator, livestock forage, human edible (comfrey fritters), a wound healer and it was traditionally called ‘knit bone’ by herbalists as it helps heals fractures. It’s an ideal permaculture plant!