
Prior to 2003, Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK was free. However, since 2003, fees have been introduced and have risen each year in April. ILR Fees were introduced at £155[8] in 2003. Following record immigration in 2004–05, mainly from Eastern Europe,[9] for the main applicant the fee was raised in 2005 to £335,[10] in 2007 to £750, and in 2009 to £820.

In 2009 the Government introduced a £70m Migrants Impact Fund. Economic migrants and students coming to the UK from outside the EU are charged a £50.00 levy in addition to their normal visa application fee. The fund is used to support the communities in which they live.[11] A fee was also introduced for dependent applicants, at £50.00 each. In 2009 Premium Applications with an in-person appointment at a regional office were introduced at a cost to the applicant of £1020.[12]

In 2010/11 the application fee was raised to £840 (£1095 premium) including the Migrants Impact Levy.[13] The dependents fee was also increased to £129.00 each.

In August 2010, the new government scrapped the Migrants Impact Fund.[14] However, the levy is still charged; the extra income “will now contribute to the cost of the visa and will mitigate increases that the Government would otherwise have had to make.”[15]

On 6 April 2011, the application fee was raised to £972 (£1,350 premium) including the Migrants Impact Levy.[16] The dependents fee was also increased to £486 (£675 premium) each.

From 6 April 2012, the application fee was raised to £991 (£1,377 premium) including the Migrants Impact Levy.[17] The dependents fee was also increased to £496 (£689 premium) each.

From 6 April 2015, the application fee was raised to £1,500 (£1,900 premium).

From 6 April 2016, the application fee was raised to £1,875 (£2375 premium) per person (dependants also pay the same fees). [18]


ho还会经常少给签证,比如硕士应该给到1月毕业典礼,ho会故意给到9月,要参加毕业典礼要再交钱续签! {:5_131:}



1875 x 1.25 = 2343.75 打个折 就交2345吧 {:5_137:}