Your total compensation of £aa,aaa is made up of a base salary of £bb,bbb plus a discretionary monthly allowance of
15% of the base salary, which will be paid in monthly installments with your salary over the year.
The monthly allowance is a discretionary payment and will be based on the continuing profitable performance of the company. Base salary and
discretionary allowance will be paid monthly in arrears by credit transfer into your bank account.
以前接到的offer里面从来没有这么个东西啊,都是说好工资多少就多少,这还分基本工资和岗位津贴吗? 而且这个意思是岗位津贴如果公司绩效不好就没有吗?坛子里的大大们见多识广,给说说啊。、
纠结点是,一直谈好的工资数目是a, 现在我理解的字面意思是实际工资是b加上allowance,这个感觉和说好的不一样啊。。。。