新手买房,好多不懂的地方,希望大家帮忙指点一下。正在填律师发来的资料,其中有一段关于Absence of Instructions是这么写的:If at any point we find ourselves without your instructions and are placed in a position whereby a decision needs to be taken on your behalf in relation to the case or transaction in which we are instructed then, in very exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to take such a decision on your behalf in relation to that matter which will be taken with the clients’s best interests as a paramount consideration. you agree to extend to us the authority to act on your behalf in such circumstances and acknowledge that we cannot be held liable for any loss or damage sustained as a result of your failure or inability to provide instructions.
律师免责协议,不过也是在考虑你利益最大化的情况下自作主张。你不同意,律师就不会接你的case。你自己考虑吧。有一次我买房子,中途材料往来的时候,律师发现我的ground rent头30年150,再过30年300,以此类推。然后她就觉得这是非常大的问题,通知我可以不可以告诉lender,请lender重新考虑我的贷款额度,我当时等的着急,问她可以不可以不告诉lender,省的又花时间等,结果律师说那我就不能继续你的case啦。你找别人吧…
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总体意思就是 在极个别情况下,他们需要替你做决定,但是你又未能及时授权,他们可以为了你的最大利益着想,替你做出决定。