
我老婆刚刚拿到英国绿卡,之前她拿的是T2工作签证,我目前人在英国拿着T2 dependant,现想把我的签证转成spouse visa。

因为我刚来英国,英语不好,听说申请spouse visa要求英语雅思A1级别。

我在雅思网站想预约考试,点“Find a test location“后出现两个选项,分别是IELTS 和 IELTS for UKVI and IELTS Life Skills

点第一个后可以选我所在的城市bristol,但是module只能选general training和academic?请问我要选哪个?
点第二个倒是有一个IELTS Life Skills - A1, A2 and B1,但是可以选的城市很少。

还有我听说考试后成绩要13天后才可以拿到,我现在的T2 dependant还有一个多月就到期了,能不能先提交申请然后再补雅思成绩?

另外还有一个问题,我在gov.uk看到有两种spouse visa: Apply to join family living permanently in the UK 和Apply to remain in the UK with family 。请问我应该申请哪一个?



如果你是申请Spouse Visa的话, 申请签证必须用IELTS for UKVI 。这个布里斯托是没有考点的,最近的是卡迪夫。
你可以考General Training的。我考的就是这个。区别是阅读和写作的题目简单一些。
你不用考Life Skill, 这个是给申请永居的人用的。如果你申请的是30个月的配偶签证,那么只要雅思就可以了。
应该是不可以之后再补交的,可能有拒签危险。但是如果你是邮递申请的话,只要在签证到期前寄出就可以,或者你可以花500镑,走premium service。这样可以当天去递交材料。
你应该是属于Apply to remain in the UK with family。
Join family我的理解是,你人不在英国,要去英国和家人团聚。



那如果30个月后我要续签spouse 签证,仍然可以用这次A1 的成绩单吗?

I’ve already taken IELTS. Can I still use my result to apply to UK Visas and Immigration?

If your IELTS test date was on or before 22 April 2015, UKVI will accept your results until 5 November 2015.

From 23 April, UKVI will require you to submit results from an “IELTS for UKVI” test that was completed at an IELTS test centre authorised by UKVI to run IELTS tests for UK visa and immigration purposes. You must confirm at the time of registration that you wish to use your test result for these purposes.

This FAQ was updated on 9 June 2015, following an announcement from UKVI that it would accept results from all IELTS tests taken on or before 22 April, regardless of the test location.

楼上的情况是考过雅思但是没有用这个雅思签证过同类签证的情况。 意思是你考过了雅思,如果两年内没有用来申请签证,那么就过期了,不能用了。
雅思只有两年有效期没有错。 比如你之前考了雅思学术类申请学校读书,两年有效期过了, 就不能再用来申请签证了。 现在如果再考雅思必须考雅思UKVI类别。
32D. If an applicant applying for limited leave to enter or remain under Part 8 or Appendix FM submits an English language test certificate or result and the Home Office has already accepted it as part of a successful previous partner or parent application (but not where the application was refused, even if on grounds other than the English language requirement), the decision-maker may accept that certificate or result as valid if it is:
(a) from a provider which is no longer approved, or
(b) from a provider who remains approved but the test the applicant has taken with that provider is no longer approved, or
(c) from a test centre which is no longer approved, or
b past its validity date [/b](if a validity date is required under Appendix O), provided that when the subsequent application is made:
(i) the applicant has had continuous leave (disregarding any period of overstaying of no more than 28 days) as a partner or parent since the Home Office accepted the test certificate as valid; and
(ii) the award to the applicant does not fall within the circumstances set out in paragraph 32B of this Appendix.
链接在这里: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-fm-se-family-members-specified-evidence

回楼上上,续签改成需要A2 level了,如果你这次拿的A2证书,那么续签的时候仍旧可以用。