

在guide 上说:All applications for naturalisation as a British citizen

If you were issued with a Biometric Residence Permit, you must provide/use it in
support of your application, alongside:

. Biometric enrolment
In accordance with British Nationality (General) (Amendment) (2) Regulations 2014 anyone
applying for naturalisation or registration as a British citizen must register their biometric
information. For more information about registering your biometric information, please see the
accompanying guidance notes, which you must read before completing this form.
If you have a current grant of leave on a biometric residence permit (BRP), you must provide
your BRP for the application to be valid and complete.

用NCS就不用交原件了 功课没做好哦

谢谢! NCS不是要交钱还要appointment 嘛。。。前面T1,T1续签,永居都是自己弄得,打算也自己弄这次,看来不行啊。


请问你申请英国入籍申请表上的biometric enrolment一项如何办理的.已经有PR了还需要先办BRP CARD? 恭请指点一下.谢谢!!