有关贷款问题 呼唤各位大哥

我是最近打算多借钱银行 remogage 钱出来装修扩建
我本来贷款只有12年了 再多借的钱想借30年

银行一算 说 不行 要两个一起 平均一个20年

请问 银行为什么要这样 对我们有什么影响嘛

另外 银行根据我们收入支出比例 认为我们每个月换2k (打比方的)比较合适

我们自己想多push自己 每个月换2.5k 银行不同意

银行说你们可以用over payment 10% 多还 是一样的 这个只要10%以内 不收early payment罚款




几乎所有的mortgage 都可以每年多交10%而不会产生罚款,这个更灵活.可以自己掌控

May I ask if the 10% is calculated based on the outstanding balances of the mortgage on the 1st day of the year?

For example I have got 400K mortgage outstanding at 01.01 2017

I can pay extra 40K per year without penalty, is that correct?

As a result I can repay all mortgage in a shorter term and pay less interests?

It’s based on the balance of your mortgage on the day after your mortgage anniversary, not the 1st day of a calendar year. E.g. if your mortgage’s drawdown date is 21 April, the x% penalty free overpayment is calculated based on 22 April next year.

Given the fact that current mortgage rate is barely more than 2%, why do you want to make any overpayment anyway? Even keeping the extra money in the highest interest saving account will make you a profit.

房贷作为一种金融产品,一般合同期2-5年,过了这个期限你可以pay off,或者remortgage