7.4.9. This means that, where the cash savings have previously been held as investments (including where they have been held in an investment account which does not meet the requirements of paragraphs 11 and 11A(a)), stocks, shares, bonds or trust funds that were owned by and under the control of the applicant, their partner or both jointly, this ownership period can be counted towards the 6 month period. So money held as cash savings at the date of application can have been liquidated or transferred by the same owner(s) from investments and may have been held as investments for the first part of the period of 6 months prior to the date of application and as cash savings for the rest of that 6 month period (see the table in 7.4.3. for a summary of the cash savings requirements). Evidence must be provided showing that:
• The value of the investments, stocks, shares, bonds or trust funds at or before the beginning of that 6 month period was at least equivalent to the amount of the cash savings relied upon in the application;