最好找一个人画个图纸,看看是不是牵扯到结构问题。我一般会选RSJ beam。https://www.metals4u.co.uk/mild-steel/c6/universal-beams-rsj/c1535
Cost of Associated Work
Cost (incl materials and labour)
Demolish wall and clear debris into skip:
•One-brick-thick wall
•100mm block wall
•Timber stud partition wall
Quoin up and make true the end of the wall £65/m²
Open up a kitchen/dining room with a square opening 1.8m wide to load-bearing wall £1,200
Add on more for the following:
•Full removal of wall with no remaining ‘nibs’
•To reposition a radiator
•To reposition two wall sockets and light switches
•Party Wall surveyor
Form a new single door opening in an internal wall (cut opening, fit concrete lintel, quoin up jambs, fit 50x100mm softwood frame, stops and architrave, and make good finishes):
•One-brick-thick solid wall
•Stud partition
•Hanging a single door