
因为i今天偶然看了immigration 的官网,关于long-term vist是这么写的:

Long-term visit visas
If you can prove you need to visit the UK regularly over a longer period, you can apply for a visa that lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit.


{:5_129:} 还真是姨妈贴

There is no specified maximum period which an individual can spend in the UK in any period such as ‘6 months in 12 months’. However, if it is clear from an individual’s travel history that they are making the UK their home you should refuse their application.

Page 16, https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/619130/Visit-guidance-v6.pdf

那其实这个条款是不存在的,只是咱们觉得风险小一些。 {:5_143:}


每年五个月算不算擦边球~~~ {:5_144:}


但愿呢,每年5个月~~ 我都想着每年4个月25天这样。感觉在4月左右~哈哈哈

no more than 6 months…

擦边球的裁判是ECO,要不你下回过海关时问问他们 :stuck_out_tongue: