永居 英语授课学位 非英语国家


关于英语,本人在欧洲大陆国家英语授课硕士学位,我过去5年工签都使用学校出的英语授课证明和NARIC的说明信 证明我的学位相当于英国硕士学位Statement of Compatibility. GOV页面上上面是这样写的》

If your degree isn’t from a UK university, you’ll need your original degree certificate and one of the following:
/an original letter or certificate from UK NARIC confirming the equivalent level of your degree, plus an official letter from your university with your name and degree confirming that your degree was taught in English
/an original and official certificate from your university confirming the degree was taught or researched in a majority English-speaking country (except Canada)


• An academic qualification deemed by UK NARIC to meet the
recognised standard of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or
PhD in the United Kingdom and:
˗ UK NARIC has confirmed that the qualification was
taught or researched in English to the appropriate level;
˗ the qualification was taught or researched in the UK
or a majority English speaking country (other than
Canada); OR

意思感觉是要NARIC 而不是大学证明你的学位是英语授课的啊。

If we have previously accepted a degree qualification as meeting the requirements for an
earlier application, and leave was granted, we will not need additional confirmation from
NARIC. If the qualification has not previously been used for an immigration application, or
the previous application was refused, the applicant must obtain confirmation from NARIC
that it meets the relevant criteria.



从字面上看,需要NARIC认证Taught in English, 而且如果你站在签证官的角度说,如果我是签字官司,NARIC的认证Taught in English 是100%的过的。如果你是5年工签,我个人意见最好还是要NARIC

谢谢。关键是我列出的gov 上面的,和 2017&06版本的申请表和guideline的信息不一致啊。而且guideline上面说只要以前通过了,就不需要了证明了。我感觉很困惑。。。


Good luck!

如果以前的CASE WORKER弄错了,第二个CASE WORKER是可以不承认的。最好是做100%的准备。

请问楼主申请了吗? 需要再证明一次语言吗? 谢谢谢谢