两个星期前帮爸妈做了2年的英国多次往返探亲签证, 今天顺利顺利拿到手了。
可是在同一天, 收到内政部发来的邮件, 说给我partial refund, 妈妈的签证是用支付宝付的 (2999元), 爸爸的签证是用信用卡付的 (3131元)。 算了一下, 内政部这次签证只是收了我每个人792人民币。 但前提是, 我从申请那一刻开始到拿到签证, 是从来没有要求内政部退款的。
我现在不知道是高兴还是担心。 高兴的是少收了我钱, 担心的是会不会弄错了什么, 到时候我爸妈入境的时候, 海关说因为你们交的钱不够, 你们要求退款, 所以你们的签证无效!
现在是不是签6个月的旅游签证一次过给两年的呢? 我爸妈这个是一次签两年的family visit签证, 是不是按照6个月的旅游签证收钱呢?
Ref: Refund GWF045818379 Amount: 2339.00 CNY
Please be informed that the above refund request has been authorised and sent to Worldpay for processing.
The amount will be credited back to your account that you used for visa payment within 28 working days. Please take no further action during the 28 working day Period. If you submit a chargeback request this is likely to delay the processing of your refund and any future visa application.
If you wish to submit a new application, you will have to generate a new online visa application at the Visa4UK website http://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/, pay the appropriate visa fee, then make and attend an appointment to give your biometrics and submit your documents at the Visa Application Centre.
Yours Sincerely,
Refunds Team
UK Region
UK Visas and Immigration