英格兰学生上私校的比例占所有学龄孩子的6%,A Level阶段私校学生占17%(这是几年前数据,从把义务教育年龄从16岁改到18岁以后这个比例应该是低了因为过去不上A level的很多孩子现在上了)。传统的牛桥录取公校学生比例是50%左右,这说明私校学生上牛桥的可能性是5倍于公学学生,因此牛桥被攻击精英主义。
牛桥录取每年公校学生比例增加,有一个可能的原因是公立中学的教育质量大大改善了,当然也可能是political correctness goes into high gear,也有可能是一些家长为了应对PC把一直在私校上学的孩子A level阶段转到了公校,到底什么原因?noone knows。
牛桥录取有两个关键词,middle class和South East(包括London),如果牛桥真的是political correctness goes into high gear那未来North England的低收入地区公立学校的学生应该会有更多上牛桥机会了。
The Oxford University college fighting elitism
Oxbridge has long faced criticism for accepting too many students from privileged backgrounds. But one Oxford college, Mansfield, stands apart from the rest, with nine in 10 of the students it admitted this year coming from state schools. How has it achieved this?
Cambridge intake no longer most privately educated
Cambridge University now has fewer privately educated students than universities such as Bristol, Durham and St Andrews, entry figures reveal.