
请教一下大家, 孩子是2007年中国生的, 我2016年拿到永居, 我妻子2017年拿到永居. 孩子是2010年来的英国, 一直是我的dependant签证直到我申请永居之前. 现在孩子的dependant签证到2018年6月到期, 我现在可以申请入籍了, 但我妻子拿到永居还不到一年, 不能申请入籍. 请问这种情况我是否可以直接带着孩子一起申请入籍, 而不需要先给孩子申请永居?


谢谢您的回复. 我查了一下home offcie的guide, 是这么写的:
Children born abroad to parents who are applying for British citizenship
Where one or both parents are applying for British citizenship they may apply for one or more children who are not automatically British at birth (see “Automatic acquisition of British citizenship” above) to be registered as British citizens as part of a “family application”. Children in this category will be considered at the Home Secretary’s discretion and will usually be registered only if both the parents are granted or already hold British citizenship, or if one parent holds British citizenship and the other is
settled in the UK.
按照这样, 我在申请的同时, 带上孩子, 如果我的入籍批了, 是不是意味着自动符合最后那条说的, 孩子就可以直接申请入籍了呢?

太感谢了, 我就是吃不准这点, 这样我还是先给孩子申请永居
