
1老婆18年6月 5年T2(有效期到19年3月)可以申请永居。
2孩子T2 dependant跟着老婆,16年生,才两岁。


不甘心3月初孩子到期就为了差几天而另外多交钱办理到老公的T2 dependant,然后老公其实4月初就可以符合申请永居了的。


附上GOV partner和child永居申请要求:
Eligibility for partners

Your partner may qualify if all of the following apply:

they have permission to be in the UK as your partner
they’ve been living in the UK with you for at least 2 years if they applied before 9 July 2012 or 5 years if they applied on or after 9 July 2012
your relationship is genuine
you intend to continue living together
you have enough income to support yourselves and your dependants
you’re not using public funds
They must pass:

the Life in the UK Test
an English language test
Eligibility for children

Your child can apply if they:

were previously given permission to stay in the UK as your child
aren’t married or in a civil partnership
will live with you and be supported by you without using public funds
You and your child’s other parent must both be settled in the UK legally, or currently applying to settle, for the child to be allowed to settle.

Your child can also apply to settle in one of the following situations:

you’re the child’s sole surviving parent
you have sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing
there are serious or compelling family or other considerations, for example you (if you’re settled in the UK) or your child has a serious illness


老婆永居以后,小孩可以直接申请入籍,老公的签证是tier2 general吗?如果是,必须单独申请永居。

以为2 个小孩, 3个老公 {:5_142:}


小孩dependent child 可以



谢谢,那这句话没法解释呀。。。You and your child’s other parent must both be settled in the UK legally, or currently applying to settle, for the child to be allowed to settle.

可是terms里有这一条:You and your child’s other parent must both be settled in the UK legally, or currently applying to settle, for the child to be allowed to settle.

如果最早可以提前28申请永居的话,你老公19年四月初已经提早了28天还是说四月初刚好满足整五年? 如果你老公提早28天申请刚好在你签证到期前,你是不是可以等着三月你的签证到期前一家三口一起申请永居? 要不真的多花好多钱。 我的理解也是孩子得等父母双方都可以永居时候才能一起申请永居。


老婆如果按T2拿永居 那么孩子的T2陪伴签是继续有效的 不用换成老公陪伴签

二十九页 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/694784/family-members-of-pbs-migrantsv13.0ext.pdf#page29