完结: home office 发邮件说签证费没交够

谢谢大家的关注, 今天收到签证通过的信了。 {:5_142:}


几个星期以前续签 T2 DEPENDENT. 收到HOME OFFICE 的邮件,说是我交错费用了,需要补交。

第一反应就是诈骗,不过查了一下他的邮箱,貌似还真是HOME OFFICE 发出来的。。邮箱是[email protected]

我回复了那个邮件,然后一个多小时之后收到答复,这个效率非常不符合HOME OFFICE的风格啊。。。


然后我把支票寄到PO BOX 3468,这是HOME OFFICE 的收费地址,这是比较稳妥的办法。拒绝一切形式的现金和银行转账!!

今天就收到了签证通过的信,上面有case worker的名字,跟邮件里的那人名字一样。这样就能肯定那个邮件是真的了。

就这些吧,中心思想就是HOME OFFICE有可能直接发邮件要钱。。。如果他们需要其它材料,估计也可能直接邮件联系吧


邮件里的附件 :T2 Top Up Payment Pro Forma case ID xxxxxxxx. 具体的附件就不贴了,每种签证类型都不一样

Official Home Office email addresses are always in one of two formats:
[email protected]
[email protected]
These are the formats of official Foreign and Commonwealth Office email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Non-settlement application 扣钱部门地址:Charging Operations, Level 4, Vulcan House, Sheffield, S3 8WA
如果是 PO Box,则是:PO Box 3468, Sheffield, S3 8WA
感谢S55 提供


This page gives you advice on protecting yourself from tricks and scams the Home Office are aware of.

If you receive an unexpected email, telephone call or letter from someone who claims to be from the Home Office, it may be a scam. We will never contact you to ask for money or your personal details.

  1. How the fraudsters may contact you
    We know that criminals are:

telephoning people in the UK and other countries
using websites to offer fake services
using email addresses that look official but are not
2. Tricks they use
The criminals try to make you believe that they can offer you something very easily, such as a visa for the UK, or that there is a problem with your application or visa.

They will try to make themselves seem very genuine and may use language that sounds official. They may already seem to know something about you, such as your name and address, or that you have applied for a visa. Then they ask you for money or for your personal information.

  1. We know about the following scams
    Websites that offer jobs in the UK that do not exist
    If you apply for one, they tell you that you have the job and ask you to pay visa and work permit fees. That is not how our visa system works, and there are no shortcuts to a job in the UK. A genuine employer would direct you to this website, where you can make an official application. If the job offer sounds too good to be true, it could be a scam. We will never guarantee a job in the UK

A person pretending to be an officer from the Home Office
They may go to your home to ask for money to process your partner’s visa. Legitimate visa officers will only meet you at their offices and will never contact you to ask for money.

They may call and tell you there is a serious problem with your visa. They contact people within the UK and in other countries, and often target students. They appear to be genuine and convincing, and may give a false name and return phone number. They tell you to send money as soon as possible using different methods of payment such as MoneyGram, to prevent some kind of action, like deportation or cancellation of your visa.

People who target applicants for UK work visas
They ask you to pay a deposit as proof that you have enough funds to support you in the UK until you receive your first salary. As part of the official application process, you must give us evidence that you have enough money to support yourself, but we will never ask you to give us money.

Agents claiming to work for the Home Office
They tell you they can get you a visa using forged documents. We have advanced methods of identifying forgeries and will refuse your application if you use them.

They say they can speed up the process of getting a visa and may ask for payment in iTunes vouchers for the progression of a visa application.

Fake government websites
Fake websites are designed to look like official ones for the UK government or its official visa enquiry services. Official UK government websites always have ‘.gov.uk’ at the end of their website address.

Fake email addresses
Official Home Office email addresses are always in one of two formats:

[email protected]
[email protected]
These are the formats of official Foreign and Commonwealth Office email addresses:

[email protected]
[email protected]
Sometimes the email address you see on the screen of a fake website or email is in that format, but when you click on it, it creates an email that will be sent to a different address. Always check the actual address on the email you are sending.

  1. How to protect yourself
    You should be suspicious if:
    what they offer seems too good to be true – an easy job in the UK, or a way to get a UK visa quickly and easily
    they ask you for money, particularly if they ask you for cash or to pay using insecure payment methods such as money transfer, Ukash voucher or Paysafecard (which you buy at a shop) – these methods do not allow the recipient to be traced
    they ask for your bank account or credit card details, or confidential information
    they demand secrecy or try to force you to act immediately
    the website does not look professional (badly written or designed) or does not include any information about the organisation
    you are asked to reply to a free email account such as Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, or Gmail which may also contain poor grammar and spelling
    If you are suspicious:
    do not give out any personal information, or confirm that any personal information they have is correct
    do not pay them any money
    do not pay them using electronic vouchers
  2. Report any suspicions of fraud
    Please report your suspicions or incidents to Action Fraud, either on the Action Fraud website or (only if you are in the UK) by phoning 0300 123 2040.

Action Fraud provides a fraud-reporting and advice centre, where people and small businesses can report fraud, attempted fraud and scam emails.

Your reports will then be passed on to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau and analysed to see if they can be used as part of a police investigation.

You can help to stop scammers by warning your friends and family, and by making Action Fraud aware of any scams that you have encountered.

发件人的 真实邮箱地址 查邮件原始 header 可以辨识

先不说对方邮件是否来源真实,这个邮件的第一句话 My name’s 已经得罪人了,我应该不会往下面阅读直接拉黑

他开始有写dear xxx. 名字我给删掉了。。。




那个邮件的真是地址是 @homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

貌似就是official email address.


Official Home Office email addresses are always in one of two formats:

[email protected]
[email protected]

If you receive an unexpected email, telephone call or letter from someone who claims to be from the Home Office, it may be a scam. We will never contact you to ask for money or your personal details.

We will never contact you to ask for money or your personal details.

亲 ,是你理解有问题吧。。。。。




我会用支票付款,收款人是home office. 我觉得一般人没那么大本事把钱取走的


HO给你写信或EMAIL,第一句话不会是 My name’s xxx,而且也不可能说是 Dependant Joiner Visa。

前面给你回复的两位说的没错,JAMESCHEN挺逗的,估计被你气的 {:5_142:} 。引用一段他给你的:

[email protected]
[email protected]
Sometimes the email address you see on the screen of a fake website or email is in that format, but when you click on it, it creates an email that will be sent to a different address. Always check the actual address on the email you are sending.

Non-settlement application 扣钱部门地址:Charging Operations, Level 4, Vulcan House, Sheffield, S3 8WA

如果是 PO Box,则是:PO Box 3468, Sheffield, S3 8WA

人活在自己想象的微小世界里 真可怕

我觉得是真的哎。。。前阵子就有个case worker在我们公司的招聘网站填表单,上来也是hello, my name is Sxxx… 需要HR确认一个员工是否在我们公司就职,工作多久。。。 留得邮箱也是 @homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk




今天收到签证通过的信了。。。。 {:5_142:}


开头是DEAR XXX。我把名字删掉了。。