

在 Details of your time spent outside the UK

Where did you spend time outside the UK?
Type the name of a country; use the arrow keys to navigate and ‘enter’ to select one.
You will be able to add additional details of time spent outside the UK after you click ‘Save and continue’.

这里 如果我当时是签的申根签证,去了多个国家,签证上盖的章是,从zurich入境的章,然后从法国出境到英国的章,这样的话。我应该怎么填写呢? 貌似同时只可以填写一个destination。

和 Your social, cultural and family ties

Do you have any family in your country of birth, nationality or any other country where you have lived for more than 5 years?



Do you have any other reasons for wanting to stay in the UK? (Required)
For example, include any information you wish to be considered about the welfare or best interests of any children who will be affected by the decision or medical evidence such as evidence of serious ill health.

这个需要填写吗? 不填写会对申请有影响吗?


求助啊 有人有遇到这个问题吗



请问有人回答一下这些问题么? 求助啊

我直接选择的no。 我当时的理解就是,它问你是不是主要时间就是居住在英国的。旅游这些短期不算离开英国,只算出境而已。不知道对不对哈哈。

能够有同学 回答一下这几个问题的么? 万分感谢啊 顶一下这个帖子

Where did you spend time outside the UK?
Type the name of a country; use the arrow keys to navigate and ‘enter’ to select one.
You will be able to add additional details of time spent outside the UK after you click ‘Save and continue’.

Do you have any family in your country of birth, nationality or any other country where you have lived for more than 5 years?

Do you have any other reasons for wanting to stay in the UK? (Required)
For example, include any information you wish to be considered about the welfare or best interests of any children who will be affected by the decision or medical evidence such as evidence of serious ill health.



第一个问题: 就填写父母 (如果国内有小孩的话可以填写一下)填写一下他们的名字,居住地址。

第二个问题: spend outside the UK. 我感觉就是填写你这10年回国的记录, 如果你去过其他国家的话 也填上去。

第三个问题: 我就直接填写No, 原因就如实地说 的确没有参加过什么组织之类的啊。
