This iconic 3rd generation Cameleon from Bugaboo is amulti-terrain pushchair offering versatility and style, seamlessly adapting toyour journey.
ThisCameleon 3+ Classic Edition pushchair is the complete package, ideal fornewborns through to toddlers. This classic design offers a timeless palatte of muted shades, sophisticated patterns and soft fabrics.
What‘s included
Pushchair base unitwith a carrycot and seat unit frame
Iconic Bugaboofabrics
Accessories -Raincover and shopping basket.
BugabooFox/Cameleon Breezy Sun Canopy
Bugaboo HighPerformance Footmuff
7-8成新整套推车。 包括冬天用的坐垫 和保暖的,夏天用的凉蓬
因整套包含东西较多,实物图未拍全, 如有需要,可联系,加细节图。
伦敦附近可以自提。 总共499磅。