上次来请教HMO licence的问题,非常感谢大家的热心指点。后来学生房客让校长把她的电话发邮件给council了,大半个月了council还没有打电话给她。她五月底回国,说是不是把那个手机卡留给我,但是就算接到council的电话,我也不能冒充她吧。。。也不知道council如果打电话找不到人,会不会直接上门。
现在学生房客向校长追讨多收的住宿费,校长已经翻脸,拒绝支付五月十二号以后的房租,并要求学生付给他厨房台面的维修费,以及五月十二号之后半个月的房租(虽然这个房租他并没有付给我)。同时校长给我发邮件说押金必须全额返还给他,还威胁说if you ignore this email, it will be simply passed onto my legal representative for further consideration, which will also result in other matters being raised.
I am writing to confirm that my contractual payments for xxx(name of the student) will finish this weekend as per my previous emails, to which you have not had the decency to reply to.(他发过一次邮件要求自己上门来修台面,之后又发邮件说找了handyman,据学生说是让学校的员工冒充handyman,我没回邮件)
The school has made the payments on behalf of our client (the student) as per her agreement with the school terms and conditions.
The deposit payment needs to be returned in full by 13th May 2019.
This money belongs to the school as part of the clients course fees and is not a negotiating chip that you can use to extend her stay or to use towards damages- this is because You have not allowed access for me to repair your kitchen worktop. Which I have on multiple times told you I would be able to do.
Failure to comply with this will result in legal proceedings against you and will result in extra charges being put on top to regain any monies owed.
If you wish to extend your contract with the client you are available to do so as from the 12th May 2019, but this will be a separate agreement between you and her directly. To which she needs to pay you directly not via the school.
I am back in the UK on the 11th May and will be available to visit your property on the 12th if you would like to discuss any of the above.
If you ignore this email, it will be simply passed onto my legal representative for further consideration. Which will also result in other matters being raised.
押金是600镑,是学生入住时学校转账给我的。租房协议上我以landlord名义签名,学生以lodger名义签名,校长以guarantor 名义签名。学生房客已经写邮件授权给我从押金里扣除厨房台面修理费用和她12号以后的住宿费用,这样押金基本就用完了。因为那个房间12号有人搬进来,学生房客去hostel住,我答应按每天20镑退款给她(房客告诉校长她回国以前会一直住在我这里)。这种情况下如果我不退押金给学校,而是扣掉厨房修理费用以后退给学生,法律上会不会有麻烦?我不回复这个邮件可以吗?实在是不想跟这种无耻之徒打交道了。
成龙大哥说过我没必要fight other people‘s battle,但是房客被学校坑得很惨,我还是想尽可能帮帮她。校长已经以学生的名义到council举报了我,他还能干什么其他损人不利己的坏事?
校长给学生的邮件如下,我真的不能想象做人怎么可以这样无耻,台面的费用和extended stay的房租他根本没有付给我。他还要求学生提前两周结束课程。
I have now read your email.
I will be sending you the balance invoice for:
1: damage to the kitchen worktop -£256.00(应该是260,估计是笔误)
2: extension at the accommodation - £240.00
3: shortfall of money from XXX - £298.00 (校长现在说学生的费用没有付清,学生说八个月之前付清了,不然学校不可能让她上课)
Total: £794.00
Plus any additional expenses incurred to return this money.
This will need to be paid in full as per your agreement when you booked the course.
I will also kindly ask you to finish your course on the 8th May 2019. You will be given a certificate to show your attendance. XXX is cc’d into this email and will discuss your departure in the morning.
The balance of the deposit which is the schools money needs to be returned to the school not to you.
Failure to comply with any of the above will result in legal proceedings being issued against you and your landlord. Any legal costs will be chargeable to you and the landlord.