车小白要换车,Honda Crv怎么样?谢谢

终于决定要换车,看了一辆Honda,Crv 15年的,1.6手动柴油车12千。一个朋友说还行,另一个朋友说怎么不选大众呢?好难选择啊???车神们这车可以买吗?
我也看了其他的车,比较喜欢的事:大众的touran,Honda crv, Vauxhall zafira, Nissan qashqai, 还有看了这两天,感觉BMW的车10千左右,价格也还行,也有些小心动:relaxed:。这5种车哪个少操心,耐磨呢?还有ford车 有什么好介绍?希望大家帮下我吧,太纠结呢?谢谢大家。



先找 dealer 试试车喽

少操心,耐磨, 那就是Honda啦 哈哈哈。
去试下车,Honda. crv 除了有些人会觉得动力不足外,其他什么都好。 外边看着不怎么大,内部空间却利用的很好,有很多放东西的小地方。 日本人的长处,其他人真很难比的过。

@GoChelsea ,车神,哪种车好?有什么好介绍,就是希望车大些,后面3个座位可以坐的舒服些。还有就是车少操心,耐磨。谢谢

mazda cx5挺好的



The first signs before turbo failing are:
Poor acceleration
One of the most significant symptoms of a failing turbo you should notice is lack of overall power. The car may not accelerate quickly or produce the usual amount of power while on the road. When you are driving a car with a failing turbo, you may notice that your car is slow to respond and does not reach its optimum speeds as rapidly as before.

Irregular or excessive exhaust
An excessive amount of exhaust fumes or grey smoke expelled from the exhaust pipe may be a sign that it is time for a new turbocharger. A crack in the turbo housing can cause oil to leak into the exhaust system, which produces irregular gases.

Check engine light
In many instances, the engine sensor detects a failing turbocharger, triggering the check engine light on the dashboard. An illuminated check engine light may be an indication that further inspection is necessary to determine whether a repair or replacement of the turbo is required.

Lack of boost
Some of the turbochargers, more likely sports cars, have a boost gauge, which displays the amount of boost that the turbo is producing. If your car is one of those, then you can just look at the boost gauge to determine if the turbo is creating the right amount of boost and if it is rising much slower than usual, a replacement turbocharger may be necessary.

Loud shrieking noise
If a turbo is failing, it may produce a noise when the boost is running. The noise comes directly from the engine and sounds like a loud siren or shriek, which tends to get louder as the problem worsens. Any unusual noise under the car’s bonnet is worth investigating, especially if the sound accompanies any additional turbo failure symptoms.

和你说说我的个人感受吧,我是15年买了一辆14年的2.0汽油版CRV,到现在4年了,真的很省心。这几年除了换了雨刷,轮胎,今年换了新的刹车片之外,这些消耗部件之外,没有任何问题。 空间很大,最近搬家全靠它了。非要说缺点,那就是动力一般,但如果家用,普通用,足够了。除非你对车很讲究,要求各种动力,起步快。什么几缸发动机之类的的,其实车对大部分人就是个交通工具而已,性能都足够满足绝大部分人的要求。

如果你不是每天或经常开长途,没必要买柴油的。另外,既然你的预算15千了,最好去买approved car。没必要过于纠结,你说的这个几个都可以,选个自己喜欢的就行。我觉得CRV至少我用4年下来还是很满意的。



我来说说神车,10年买的大众柴油小货车,100k 里程了,从来没修过。 高速轻松跑90多迈。你们老吹日系好,省心,维修少。 我不信。 当今汽车工业,其实大家都差不多水平的。不可能质量差异那么多。 另外bba开起来就是很顺心啊,不要老说德国车毛病多。 修车人家不给你新车开吗? 我做service人家都给过敞篷车。 只不过我头秃了戴帽子,开敞篷怕风吹零乱了发型。

你买bba修车,每家都十几二十款车人家可以借你一辆同级或者升级型号新车开。 你买本田,就二款车,换啥给你开呢?

你是没看过Youtube的Scotty Kilmer channel :lol



如果我每天跑100miles的高速,15k买什么样的柴油车呢? 汽油车对于这个里程数适不适合?


是很看运气的, 日本本田原装的混动, 我就遇到了悬挂一年多的时候漏油的问题 {:5_129:}