pr后两年申请入籍收到homeoffice信说,英文雅思成绩早已经过了两年, 要求重新考或者新的。那边的工作人员也太糊涂了,过去申请签证和永居一直都接受第一次考的雅思,突然入籍不能接受了。网站上还明明白白写的是,If your qualification has run out
Some recognised test qualifications only last for 2 years. You can still use a B1 level qualification that you took more than 2 years ago in 2 situations.
Applying for citizenship
You can use a B1 level qualification that’s run out if you’re applying for citizenship and it was accepted when you settled in the UK.
It does not matter if the B1 level test you took is not on the current list of recognised tests. You do not need to take another test.
Applying to settle in the UK
You can use a B1 level qualification that’s run out if both of the following are true:
· it’s on the current list of recognised tests
· it was accepted for another UK immigration application, for example when you got permission to enter