
8月16日按的指纹,等了快3个月了,都没消息. 大家有同期申请的吗?



approved within 3 three weeks after having bio info taken {:5_143:}


别急别急,有的快有的慢非常正常,不同的caseworker 效率也不一样,没听说哪个过不了的,就是时间的问题。 {:5_137:}

請問你是以email的形式收到的 approved letter 的嗎?然後是不是過了幾天又收到一封通過郵局寄來的紙質的正式approved letter?我的意思是你可不可以根據email的letter先去申請英國護照還是必須等到郵局寄來的信才可以?能否介紹一下宣誓及申請英國護照的時間需要多久?


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I received the paper letter from our local council first to ask me to confirm my ceremony attendence {:5_137:} then one week later I received the paper approval letter from home office, never received any email since finger prints taken {:5_138:}

regarding ceremony, it depends on how busy your local council is, our county barely has any foreigners, no mention to applicants, so the council is pretty free and arranged me a date very soon.

You can only apply for the British passport after attending the ceremony as at where you will receive your certificate, only with the reference number on the certificate can you apply for British passport !

5 years spouse visa + PR+citizenship (after half year), I didnt deliberately wait just could not make up my mind. I guess it was just because both my and my husband’s jobs are very straight forward, stable, employed by local companies and pay normal taxes, and we barely moved house.{:5_137:} But most people say above does not matter at all {:5_142:}

Prior to spouse visa, I already had 5 years student visa as well, I could either apply through 10 yrs route or 5 yrs spouse, if that makes me look more reliable? {:5_142:}


太感谢你的回复啦,我是5年工签拿的永居,我工签之前也是学生,请问当你填表的时候问道 previous immigration application, 你把之前的学生签证也写上了吗?有些人只写了永居,有些人把所有申请过的英国签证都写上了。所以我有点犹豫,该不该都写上,如果你还记得的话,盼答复,谢谢!

Nope, I only wrote those applications which I applied WITHIN UK, say spouse visa and PR. I actually forgot to mention my first spouse visa (you know 5 yrs=2.5+2.5) applied within UK as I lost the date, but turned out all good. They can definitely track everything they want, they just been lazy {:5_137:} Basically citizenship is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay much more easier than any other visas, so rest assured !!!


