现在要退房了,但是退房退押金时,中介就各种刁难。先是我们按照它的要求找了它指定的end of tanency clean company,结果第一次见到那么高傲的公司,刚打扫半小时就跟我们说,你们的房子太脏了,他们不能保证退房的清洁问题,然后再argue就直接挂电话说good bye。然后离奇的是今天中介又用了同一家公司又清洁了一遍,然后给我们寄来了invoice,貌似这次是搞干净了。感觉他们就是一伙的。然后中介还给我们寄来了如下账单,说押金一份不退。最近lockdown,大家如果在家工作不忙,能帮忙看看这些费用合理吗?还有中介说如果我们不同意他们的不退押金要求,就要找律师索赔,大家觉得这种情况,我要怎么应对呢?如下是费用清单。房子已经住了5+年了。
There is a lot of damage caused especially to the bathroom area, lack of ventilation and excess moisture has caused a lot of damage to the bathroom and the following is required to be replaced.
1, Heated Towel Rail – This has rusted so bad it cannot be repaired a replacement is required. The taps on the bath required to be replaced this was due to lack of cleaning and lack of ventilation on the bathroom. The taps were not new at the property and so the landlord has agreed to request for a contribution towards the cost. Total cost for these are £480 +VAT (£576) for materials and labour 。我们搬进来时,这个热毛巾架就没工作过,我们也不用,就懒得管了,说不定本来就是坏的,但是我们也没证据,因为我们觉得这是房东的责任修,既然我们不用就懒得找麻烦了,现在中介说然我们赔钱,我查了下这个东西网上就几十榜,他要charge 576磅,虽然有人工费。
2, Light fittings. You reported to us that some lights were not working when you vacated even though bulbs were changed. All 6 light fitting were needing replacement due to excess moisture 4 were not working and the other 2 were in a very bad way. The cost to replace these 6 would be £300. 同样的,浴室天花板的照明灯不亮了三个,一共6个,因为我们用不到,就一直没找他们修,现在说是我们使用不当。可是我们住进去5年,本来就是victorian period cottage,坏了不是也很正常吗?然后浴室湿气又重,灯就直接在淋浴上方,我们要怎么换气呢?难道洗澡时冬天也看着窗吗?
4, Grouting and sealant around the tiles and bath were extremely bad and again this was due to lack of cleaning and ventilation. These have to be replaced which is a cost to you at for £250.00 这个我们愿意承担,因为厕所很多瓷砖因为湿气太重都起霉了
Decorating is required throughout. The landlord has agreed the cost of decorating to be carried out at their expense especially as you have been in the property for some time. However the bathroom ceiling is in such a bad way this needs repairing and possibly requires to be replastered due to the excess moisture. The expense of the repair the landlord has requested this goes all to you as they feel this is an area of extreme neglect as there are extractors and windows to allow excess moisture to escape which has not been carried out efficiently. The cost for this would be £450.00 这个需要我们承担吗?
The expense of repairs are beyond the amount of deposit held and so the landlord has requested to keep your entire deposit of £1557.00 to get all of these areas fixed. If you agreed to this the landlord has said they will not seek further compensation from you through solicitors or small claims court for the additional amount,