
在下面这个申请网站提交签证延期的表格 COVID-19 UK Visas & Immigration form – Exceptional Assurance request



‘Flight tickets were originally booked for returning China which is on 21 March 2020. We were noticed that flight was cancelled due to Coronavirus. During coronavirus period, the policy limits the number of flights between UK and China, which only one allowed for each week for each airline. The latest flight tickets we can have is on 8 October 2020. We, therefore, submit this application for your consideration.’

2)HO reference number, BRP reference number 和 GWF reference number在哪能找到呢?




Not known

[email protected]




Evidence should be sent to [email protected], in the subject header, please provide the reference number which you received when you submitted your online form.

但是没有收到任何reference number,邮箱里,junk email都看了,没有邮件。提交了申请之后的显示页面(见下),也没有reference number呢?

‘COVID-19 UK Visas & Immigration form – Assurance request from 1 September 2020

Thank you for providing your details to the Coronavirus Immigration Team.

If your email address has been entered correctly you’ll receive an email shortly, in which you must click the confirmation link within 48 hours of receipt to confirm that you’re content for us to receive your information. Your mailbox might put this email in your Junk or Spam folder, so please check there as well as your Inbox. We’ll respond to you within 5 working days of your confirmation.

Coronavirus Immigration Team

How we use your data
The Home Office will use the personal information you have provided to consider your request. We may also share your information with other public and private sector organisations in the UK and overseas. For more detail please see the Privacy Notice for the Borders, Immigration and Citizenship system. This also sets out your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 and explains how you can access your personal information and complain if you have concerns about how we are using it. ’

邮件标题ref:N/A, visa No. ****. 我只有visa号,就是这样写的,回复的也很快



我按着楼上的建议发了一封邮件,先等等看有没有回复,如果没有再重新用gamil的邮箱试下。不过这个邮箱,收到了home office的确认邮件的信,感觉应该也会收到其它的home office发过来的邮件。