[原创] 一些酒的名字,出去玩的时候可以order

anyway, don’t drink 2 much

于 2005-02-21 06:04, EV 写:

dun like wines or vodka…

onli a fan of beers…


1 of my friends told me dat one of his favorite is called ABSOLUTE made in Sweden…me has tried b4…do ya kno dat one?

er... no... dun like beers... dun know that much about them...

me likes girlie drinks...

thanx hunny 4 coming here...

于 2005-02-21 02:30, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 02:11, yi_iy 写:

lov it .

hehe… me loves u… hehe…

been working on this 4 some time now… glad u like it…

naughty gal lah..

bcuz me was not here ..u到处留情lah..

BTW...u both r my beloved hunnies

于 2005-02-21 06:05, EV 写:

who da hell is he hunny?


于 2005-02-21 06:07, paigewen 写:

er… no… dun like beers… dun know that much about them…

me likes girlie drinks…

thanx hunny 4 coming here…

beers r my luv lah..

wut sorta drinks can b called girlie drinks?

y'kno me was busy just now lah..

leavin sth in ya post is my honor

于 2005-02-21 06:09, EV 写:

naughty gal lah…

bcuz me was not here …u到处留情lah…

BTW…u both r my beloved hunnies

呵呵~ 情只留给你

于 2005-02-21 06:11, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 06:05, EV 写:

who da hell is he hunny?


wut sorta friend?


于 2005-02-21 06:13, EV 写:

beers r my luv lah…

wut sorta drinks can b called girlie drinks?

y’kno me was busy just now lah…

leavin sth in ya post is my honor

呵呵~ 那having u leave something in my post is my honor!

girlie drinks r sweet tasting drinks... not 2 strong... i dun like beer cos they r bitter...

于 2005-02-21 06:13, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 06:09, EV 写:

naughty gal lah…

bcuz me was not here …u到处留情lah…

BTW…u both r my beloved hunnies


呵呵~ 情只留给你


me is glad 2 hear dat lah..

kiss ya...

于 2005-02-21 06:14, alyia13 写:


wut u sed is true?

me likes alcohol lah..

于 2005-02-21 06:14, alyia13 写:



but apparently having a glass of red wine a day is gud 4 ur health?

于 2005-02-21 06:14, paigewen 写:

呵呵~ 那having u leave something in my post is my honor!

girlie drinks r sweet tasting drinks… not 2 strong… i dun like beer cos they r bitter…

That havin me leave sth in your post is your honor is also my honor…

just as i guess lah…den u must like tonic water…

dere r sum beers dat r not bitter…me has tried sum in TJ b4…dey were realli sum sorta lemon or sweet taste lah…

cant remember clearly…but sure dat dey were not bitter ones

于 2005-02-21 06:14, EV 写:

wut sorta friend?


呵呵~ 说过情留给你啦~

于 2005-02-21 06:17, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 06:14, alyia13 写:



but apparently having a glass of red wine a day is gud 4 ur health?

agree lah..
cuz red wine is made of grapes ,i suppose ...

于 2005-02-21 06:20, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 06:14, EV 写:

wut sorta friend?


呵呵~ 说过情留给你啦~



he is younger dan u r?

but not sure dat wether u ll fall in luv wiv sum1 younger dan u r lah..

once u run away wiv others.. wut shuld i do?

于 2005-02-21 02:25, yewviolet- 写:

gin n tonic

almost all gals like tonic water

于 2005-02-21 06:22, EV 写:



he is younger dan u r?

but not sure dat wether u ll fall in luv wiv sum1 younger dan u r lah…

once u run away wiv others… wut shuld i do?


就缠上你啦。。。呵呵~ 愿意永远 bake cookies 给你吃 吃胖了我可不负责哦。。。呵呵~ 表打偶!

[ 编辑者 paigewen 于日期 21Feb05 ]


于 2005-02-21 06:27, paigewen 写:


就缠上你啦。。。呵呵~ 愿意永远 bake cookies 给你吃 吃胖了我可不负责哦。。。呵呵~ 表打偶!

[ 编辑者 paigewen 于日期 21Feb05 ]


touchin touchin lah..

den me is gonna marry u?