[原创] 一些酒的名字,出去玩的时候可以order

this could be well be another high-quali post.

Absolute Citron one kind of vodka shot… there’s this vodka brand called absolute vodka… well absolute citron is absolute vodka wiv a hint of lemon…

is dis da 1 i mentioned b4?

which is made in Sweden?


lost my sofa…

于 2005-02-22 04:27, yi_iy 写:

this could be well be another high-quali post.


于 2005-02-22 04:36, EV 写:

Absolute Citron one kind of vodka shot… there’s this vodka brand called absolute vodka… well absolute citron is absolute vodka wiv a hint of lemon…

is dis da 1 i mentioned b4?

which is made in Sweden?

i'm not sure hunny... em... was it called absolute vodka? clear glass bottle... em... blue writings? if i remembered correctly... but i'm not sure @ all...

dun worry about ur sofa la~ i didn't even get the sofa... yi_iy has been looking out 4 my post la~~~ hehe...



于 2005-02-22 04:42, paigewen 写:

i’m not sure hunny… em… was it called absolute vodka? clear glass bottle… em… blue writings? if i remembered correctly… but i’m not sure @ all…

dun worry about ur sofa la~ i didn’t even get the sofa… yi_iy has been looking out 4 my post la~~~ hehe…

i m sure dat wut u mentioned here is da 1 i sed 2 ya b4..but dere r actualli two kinda absolute vodka in da world..one of which is clear glass bottle wiv blue writings n da other ,as i remember not dat clearli..is wiv yellow writings..

my friend told me dat absolute was realllllllli gud...me is not dat fond of vodka..so hasnt found out dat it is dat gud...
but has tried b4....culdnt even remember how gud it was..mayb bcuz i was totalli drunk @ da t time?

于 2005-02-22 04:49, fattypig 写:



u cant mix em 2gether..not gud 4 ya stomach..

me likes Jack Daniel 2..

Vodka..i hate dat..always makes me throw up..shame..

Sex on the Beach vodka drink again… fruity… exotic… red coloured

Me also likes dis 1…


1 oz. Vodka

3/4 oz. each: Chambord & Peach Schnapps

Splashes of Pineapple, Orange and Cranberry juices

Shake with ice & serve in a Collins or decorative glass

于 2005-02-22 04:49, fattypig 写:



en... mixing ur drinks 很容易醉的。。。不好受就吃一些胃药。。。我觉得挺管用的。。。

i like JD n coke...

于 2005-02-22 04:57, EV 写:

Sex on the Beach vodka drink again… fruity… exotic… red coloured

Me also likes dis 1…


1 oz. Vodka

3/4 oz. each: Chambord & Peach Schnapps

Splashes of Pineapple, Orange and Cranberry juices

Shake with ice & serve in a Collins or decorative glass

hehe... glad u like it... i only had it once i think... i like cosmopolitan... n white russian... anything creamy me likes...

于 2005-02-22 04:27, yi_iy 写:

this could be well be another high-quali post.

刚想起来。。。high quality post 是精华贴么?


于 2005-02-22 04:22, paigewen 写:

于 2005-02-21 11:03, tonydong1983 写:

中文我就知道一个:Gin & Tonic

国内叫做 金汤力。。。哈哈。。。

omg!!! 是么? 哈哈哈~

那 gin 的中文是金?



于 2005-02-22 05:15, tonydong1983 写:




[ 编辑者 paigewen 于日期 22Feb05 ]

于 2005-02-22 05:08, paigewen 写:

hehe… glad u like it… i only had it once i think… i like cosmopolitan… n white russian… anything creamy me likes…

hehe..aniho..beers r my favorite n me can accept suuuum cocktail..

think up sumfin..

hav ya mentioned bloody mary..which is pretty famous?

于 2005-02-22 05:15, tonydong1983 写:



金酒..sounds like Korean lah...


不喜欢…jak daniel难喝死了…



于 2005-02-22 05:39, tonydong1983 写:


这方面没什么研究。。。就知道 irish coffee 是用coffee 和 irish whiskey 做的。。。挺好喝。。。挺香。。。我的 irish 朋友以前做过给我喝。。。

于 2005-02-22 05:29, fattypig 写:

不喜欢…jak daniel难喝死了…

