原创故事:Rhapsody in red(complete) ★品茗斋★


Nice goingI’m gonna read it


I bought lots of books related to Vampire, Zombis and ghosts since i began to fancy to those kinda monsters.It is a pity,however, i havent read any one of them entirely

lol, hope u can finish reading this story... i'm fanscinated with creatures of the underworld as well... dark stories, i like!

this is a really fine story! i enjoyed reading every episode! hope u will too!

:polite: :polite: :polite: :polite:


Now I got the time to read all of them…

thx Poisonous…

thx hunny…you made really wonderful posts…

:cn03: :cn03: :cn03: :cn03: :cn03:

hunny i'm so glad that u r back n u finally have time 2 read this story! it's a real piece of work... thanx 2 poison! my decoration? lol... that's just a minor detail... without this gripping story the decoration is nothing! :polite:


A vampire, wow! It’s cool! I wanna be a vampire so that I can live for hundreds of years, maybe forever! What about the slayer? Oh, my God! A slayer! :cn06:

What’s wrong with me? Anyway, well done! Good job, good story! :cn02:

lol... u r funny! :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:

:cn11: :cn11: :cn09: :cn09: without all the members of the salon, I wouldn’t have finished the story… :cn08: :cn08:


:cn11: :cn11: :cn09: :cn09: without all the members of the salon, I wouldn’t have finished the story… :cn08: :cn08:

wrong...it should be without [u][b]all the supports[/b][/u] from all the members in salon...you wouldn't have finished the story so smoothly..

:cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09:


hunny i’m so glad that u r back n u finally have time 2 read this story! it’s a real piece of work… thanx 2 poison! my decoration? lol… that’s just a minor detail… without this gripping story the decoration is nothing! :polite:

u r really modest hunny...

u will never know how much I luv ya :cn11: :cn11: :cn11:



good effort, but my english is not good. it is not readable for me.

anyway i intend to finish the entire.

so if i got some difficulties, all masters can help me. :cn17:

:cn16: :cn16: :cn16: :cn16:

ps: if there are somethings wrong with my grammar, pls point out. thx. :cn03:

all the masters here meet the same problem as you do… :lol: :lol: :lol:

this one is really a masterpiece…

I hope I can see them published :cn07:

:cn08: :cn08: Ev always makes one feel good about him, or herself… :cn11: :cn11:


:cn08: :cn08: Ev always makes one feel good about him, or herself… :cn11: :cn11:

you mean I am good at flattering?

lol :cn11: :cn11: :cn11:



虽然没有看完(好长的说,明天继续),但是楼主的英文蛮好的,佩服一下~ :slight_smile:

:lol: :lol: hey look what i found on the front page of apple!

:polite: :polite: :polite: well done poison! :polite: :polite: :polite:

i honestly hope that u can access apple in the holidays, eagerly looking forward to your nxt story!!! :love: :love: :love:




虽然没有看完(好长的说,明天继续),但是楼主的英文蛮好的,佩服一下~ :slight_smile:

:cn14: :cn14: I know…I’m a dark-hearted witch… :cn08: :cn08:


you mean I am good at flattering?

lol :cn11: :cn11: :cn11:

you can take it that way… :cn08: :cn08: :cn08:


i honestly hope that u can access apple in the holidays, eagerly looking forward to your nxt story!!! :love: :love: :love:

me too…I’m praying with all my heart…well, I heard it’s a “temporary network problem”…whatever that is… :cn06: :cn06: :cn15: :cn15:

I am keeping reading today… :cn09:

hunny I noticed that millions of years ago…I thought you all knew that already :cn14:

sorry I just finished reading the first chapter…It is really great…

her monologue really attracted people’s attention and let people want to know more about her…

I am sure I will keep on reading…

thx darling…

u r awesome


hunny I noticed that millions of years ago…I thought you all knew that already :cn14:

:dizzy: :dizzy: hunny u know that i am not very observant! :dizzy: :-P

u r always quite cute hunny…

love ya…

today is the witch’s day in denmark…

so gonna go out to watch they burn the wooden witch…

don’t forget that tomorrow is my birthday :stuck_out_tongue:


u r always quite cute hunny…

love ya…

today is the witch’s day in denmark…

so gonna go out to watch they burn the wooden witch…

don’t forget that tomorrow is my birthday :stuck_out_tongue:

cool! that sounds like a lotta fun... there is a day when ppl burn things in england as well... bonfire (i think that's how it's spelt)... there are always good firework displays on that day... but i can't quite remember which day it is! :dizzy: :cry:

yeah, of course i'm not gonna forget ur birthday! don't worry hunny!

luv u 2~~~~~~~ :cn11: