初来乍到,人生地不熟的,找个落脚的地方安顿下来是首要任务。如果能找到一个称心如意的accommodation,自然可以安心不少。一半来说,英国的accommodation,大体上可以分为三类,即home stay,university accommodation,和private accommodation。 1.Home stay:就是寄宿家庭,是指和房东生活在一起,由房东提供食宿,自然也包括水电煤等的bill。 优点:不一定要签合同,想什么时候走人,拿了东西就可以走。付了房租以后就可以万事无忧了,不用操心各种bill的问题,也有利于提高口语。(整天和房东抬头不见低头见的,怎么也得说上两句吧?:) 缺点:一般房租都比较贵,而且房东会对你有各种各样的限制,比如不能做饭,不能晚归等,对于习惯了自由自在的朋友来说,无疑是一种折磨。 2.University accommodation:由学校提供的宿舍,按照合同长短来分,可以分为38周的(不包含假期)和52周的两种。这里简单解释一下,英国假期包括Easter,summer holiday,Christmas,一共是14周;按照是否包食来分,可以分为self-catered和catered两种;还有的带en-suite的和不带的。 优点:离学校近(一般都在学校里),而且学校的宽带高速,稳定,价格便宜。并且通过房间的电话和其他宿舍的朋友通话,免费的说,呵呵。有common room,可以进行各类活动,如打桌球,看电视和party。对于喜欢参加各类活动的朋友来说,更是应该上佳的选择,因为这里的活动极其丰富多彩,会让你high到爽。 缺点:价格比private的稍高,经常是很多人share一个厨房,显得比较拥挤。除了common room,日常活动空间仅局限于自己的房间。经常会碰到学校的消防演习,大半夜的被吵醒,会很不爽,呵呵。 3.Private accommodation:私人的房子,一般在学校的accommodation office会有提供名单,名单上的都是通过学校批准的,达到一定标准的私人房屋,大家可以放心去住。特别近年来,由于学生数额的不断增加,学校的宿舍日趋紧张,私人住宿也成了学生,尤其是中国学生的主要选择。 优点:活动空间比较大,合租一个flat,不仅有卧室,还有客厅,饭厅。如果选择有花园的,还以可以烧烤。朋友来玩玩,开个party什么的也很方便。限制比较少,房东除了收房租,平时基本上是不出现的,你爱干嘛干嘛,他也不会多加干预,炒个辣子鸡丁什么的,也不用担心有人出来complain了,呵呵。还有,一般房子都有停车库,对于有车的朋友来说,更是有利。 缺点:找房子需要时间,要自己去office那List,看报纸,打电话联系看房,过程比较繁琐。还有合同条款,需要仔细阅读,斟酌,否则万一中了陷阱,弄不好又是一笔开销。如果是和不认识的人合租,如果碰到不好相处的人,就比较头疼了。对于那些不包bill的房子,需要自己付账单,还要给city council写信说明自己是学生,否则就是要付council tax了。 对于以上三种accommodation,对于不同的朋友,会有不同的偏好。就我自己的经验来说,home stay比较适合年龄小的留学生,本身生活自理能力不强,英语也不是很好,住那里,可以让父母安心一点,因为好歹有人可以照应一下,至少可以问问情况。(前提是父母会英文,寒~)自己也可以练练英文。寄宿家庭的房东一般都比较热心,跟他们混熟以后,可以有不少好处,比如他们可以协助你办理银行开户手续,告诉你一些英国的生活窍门,免费的咨询等等。 University accommodation对于中国学生,特别是来读授课式硕士的学生(一年制)来说,是一个比较理想的选择,可以省却很多麻烦事。到了英国,马上就有一个落脚的地方,而不用因为找房子而犯愁。同时可以按照自己的需求,选择不同的类型的房间,例如,你可以选择38周的房子,那么在假期,你可以将行李寄存在朋友那里,然后出去玩,到时候再搬回来,也可以省不少的银子。可以认识不同地方来的朋友,拓展社交圈子。 Private accommodation也是一个不错的选择,不过需要提前一些时间找房子,这对于在国内直接过来的朋友来说有一定难度。不过,你可以报读一个你们大学的pre-sessional course,一般是在开学前的1-2周,学校会提供这期间的食宿。这样你就可以提前来,然后再找房子了。或者,你也可以事先联系学校,让他们给安排一个短期住宿,然后再找房子,不过这个可能性比较小。至于那些那里语言+conditional offer,就不用担心了,有好几个月的时间可以用来找房子。 除了university accommodation,其他房屋信息的主要来源主要是学校的housing list,当地报纸,商店橱窗上的广告和agent。Housing list的房子相对贵一些,因为需要达到学校的标准。报纸和橱窗广告的房子会便宜点。Agent提供的房源信息比较多,但是要收中介费,一般在50-100磅之间不等。 除此之外,还有一些网站提供房源信息,整理如下: www.cnstudent.co.uk/bbs(大型留学生论坛,合租,转租,找房,房价讨论) www.ukpropetyshop.co.uk(英文网站,有提供学生住宿的sector) www.loot.ac.uk (英文网站,寻找当地房源) www.student-accom.com (英文网站,专业提供学生住宿的网站,价格适中) www.accommodationforstudents.com (英文网站,专门提供学生住宿房源信息,价位略高) www.studentpad.co.uk (英文网站,仅提供部分地区的学生住宿) 注意篇 1. 签署协议时,2. 仔细阅读条款,3. 不4. 宜签过长的合同,5. 特别注意有关赔偿和违约相关的协议条款 6. 入住前,7. 必须在房东或中介在场的情况下,8. 仔细检查房子各部分,9. 包括天花板,10. 墙纸,11. 地毯,12. 各种管道是否泄漏,13. 中央供暖设备14. 是否正常运作等,15. 有必要时可用照相机照下。 16. 以及读取水电煤标17. 数。 18. 检查应该由房东提供的家具和其他设施是否齐全,19. 比如吸尘器,20. 锄草机等。 21. 合租的必须在入住以前互相协定好,22. 协调好,23. 以免日后有矛盾。 24. 留下房东或中介的电话,25. 遇房屋本身损坏及时通知他们维修,26. 如漏雨。 27. 如遇任何紧急情况可拨打999 或遇煤气泄漏可拨打0800 111999。 28. 需要提醒的事,29. 如有房要出租,30. 一定要求来看房的人提供护照复31. 印件,32. 确保来人是学生身份后,33. 方能让其入内,34. 以免发生以看房为名35. 的入室抢劫。
附p/w 每周
p/m 每月;p.p. 每人;m/f 男/女;n/s or ns 不吸烟者;Excl. 除外;Incl. 包括; Furn. 含家具; Unfurn. 不含家具; dep.and ref. 押金和推荐信; Ch. 中央暖气; Gch. 煤气和中央暖气; Ech. 电式中央暖气; w/m or w/mach 洗衣机; K&b 厨房与卫生间; nr.BR 靠近铁路; Dg 双层窗户; o.n.o. 最低价
1. 刚开始要私人协商, 以期快速解决问题.
2. 确定其没有诚意或故意拖欠的情况下, 不要再相信其编造的各种拖欠理由. 要向他发出口头或书面警告. 警告内容要包括(还款数额, 期限, 及无视警告的后果.)
3. 在对方无视警告的情况下(有些房东是死猪不怕开水汤, 能赖这种优惠的"无息贷款"多一天就是一天), send county court claim against the landlord.要到当地的county court 领取表格. 由county court 通知房东还钱. 房东必须要在14天以内还钱, 除非他宣布破产, 或否认欠款.
4. 在否认欠款的情况下, 就要通过法庭裁决了. 5000镑以下的定金一般就不用找律师了. 房产契约, 定金收据, 有关日记, 信件等都可作为证据.
5. 拿到定金后告诉无赖房东: you scum and loser.
1. Local citizen advice bureau. 能给你些建议在协商阶段.
2. Local police station. 能给你壮胆在警告阶段. 但直接帮助不大.
3. Local county court. 最后的杀手锏. 直接有效, 但费时费力费金 (要花费几十镑到一百多镑不等). 建议作为威慑.
这是我从自己的亲身经历总结得出, 希望能对以后遇到类似情况的国人有所帮助.
[ 编辑 Aries420 在 06-03-18 19:39 ]
Inspecting Properties
• Is the house secure?
• Are all the external doors are solid with five-bar mortice locks?
• The internal doors all have locks.
• Do all ground floor windows have security locks?
• Are the ground floor curtains sufficiently lined or is it possible to see through them?
• Does the property have a burglar alarm?
• Does it have a smoke detector?
Gas & Electricity
• The wiring doesn’t look old, there aren’t any frayed cables.
• Do the electric gas fires work? Check the gas fire heats up properly and isn’t heat stained.
• Check the plugs don’t get hot when switched on and there are is a sufficient number of power sockets.
• Do all appliances work e.g. cooker, fridge-freezer etc?
• Make sure you get your gas and electricity meters read immediately after you have taken responsibility for the property.
• Ensure that you ask the landlord/agency to see the original CORGI Gas safety certificate for gas appliances.
Gas Safety Certificates
All landlords now have to carry out annual gas safety inspections (with a CORGI registered engineer) by law and provide each tenant with a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate. If you are a new tenant, then you should be issued with a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate before you move in.
The Health & Safety Executive has a Gas Safety Advice line on
0800 300363
In the event of an emergency call
0800 111999
Many landlords may hold a NICEIC certificate which proves that the property has had an electrical check within the last five years. Although this is recommended, it is not a legal requirement.
• Has the house got enough furniture for the occupants?
• Is there sufficient storage space (Kitchen, wardrobe etc.)
• Is any of the existing furniture the property of existing tenants?
• Is all the furniture in good condition?
• Is the furniture fire retardant?
• Does the plumbing work?
• Is there hot running water and how do you pay for it??
• Have you tried and tested all the taps?
• Does the toilet flush or leak?
• The bath and basins aren’t cracked
Carbon Monoxide
If you have gas appliances in your house, Carbon Monoxide is a possible danger. It’s invisible and odourless, but it can kill.
Watch out for…
• Gas flames that burn orange or yellow rather than blue.
• Sutty stains on or around your appliances.
• Solid fuels that burn slowly or go out.
Know the symptoms…
• Unexplained drowsiness.
• Giddiness when standing up.
• Headaches.
• Sickness and Diarrhoea.
• Chest pains.
• Unexplained stomach pains.
• Don’t think of doing without it - the number of burglaries and thefts in student houses is rising!
• Shop around to find the right insurance package for your requirements.
• Make sure that you’re covered over the vacations.
• How does the rental price compare to other properties in the area?
• Have you paid a deposit? If so what is it for? (see Deposits)
• Have you got a receipt/invoice for all transactions?
• Are you responsible for gas/electricity/ water charges. Some landlords include water rates, others don’t.
• How much does it cost to heat the house? (If possible, ask the previous tenants)
• Be sure to take readings of the relevant meters as soon as you can once the last tenants have left.
• Gas and Electricity bills will require to be held under a name(s) when you move in. Normally one person takes responsibility for the electricity bill, another person takes responsibility of the gas bill then it is decided who owes who when the bill is produced.
Council Tax Exemption for Students
• Properties where all the occupants are full-time students will be exempt. You may be asked to produce a certificate giving evidence of your student status; this certificate will be obtainable from your faculty office after you have registered on your course.
• If one or more of the occupants of your house is not a student the house becomes taxable so you must clarify whether you are expected to pay anything towards the cost.
• If you are unsure about your status with regard to Council Tax then seek advice from your Student Advice Centre.
TV Licence
Students are covered by the same licensing requirements as the rest of the population. A licence will be needed by a student living in halls, a bedsit or a flat. If you live in a shared house one licence is needed per house as long as you have a joint tenancy agreement. If you have separate agreements with the landlord you will need separate licences. If you want more information then contact http://www.tv-l.co.uk
Type of Contract
The protection you have largely depends on your status as an occupier. However, an Assured Short Hold Tenancy Agreement (England) or Short Assured Tenancy (Scotland) are the most common. These can be made for a specific period of time, for instance, one academic year, but they will not usually be made for a period of less than 6 months. Please note that if you are staying in Home Stay or with the owner of the property then you will not be a “Tenant” and should therefore not be required to sign a contract.
If you are sharing a house then you may be asked to sign a joint tenancy or a separate tenancy. If you sign a joint tenancy then you will all be responsible for each other’s debts and damages. If you have your own contract then if there are any discrepancies, the argument is between yourself and your landlord and should not involve your housemates.
Points to Note
• Rents must be agreed before the contract is signed since this is a binding agreement. Remember you can negotiate with the landlord over rents, opt out clauses etc. if you are not happy with the landlord’s suggestions.
• You cannot give notice during the period of the contract, if no such clause has been added to the contract. If you leave before the end of the fixed term then you (or your housemates) remain liable for the remaining rent.
• Always try to get your contract checked - the Students Union Advice Centre/Accommodation Office or Citizen’s Advice will be able to check your contract.
• Remember to get a copy of your contract!
• Landlords must comply with relevant legislation on Notice to Quit and Termination of Tenancies. A Notice to Quit also has to contain prescribed information. A Landlord cannot simply evict a tenant without a Court Order which will be granted only on certain grounds.
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Some local authorities have introduced licensing schemes for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), you should ask to see such a licence, and if it’s existence is denied, check with the local authority. In Scotland the Licensing Order makes it mandatory from October 2000 for all HMOs to be licensed. To be classified as a licensable HMO the accommodation must be the only or principle residence of a specified number of people who are not members either of the same family or one or other of two families. The specified number started on 1st October 2000 at six or more and is reducing annually until it reaches its minimum level , ie three or more. Students in accommodation that is an HMO in term time are treated as being solely or principally resident there in order to calculate the number of occupiers of an HMO.
These are paid to the landlord by prospective tenants. The retainer period forms part of the contract (typically July to August) when the student is unlikely to want to occupy and the landlord may wish to carry out certain maintenance works to the property. The normal retainer payment is 50% of the per calendar month rent.
Harassment and Unlawful Eviction
If your landlord wants you to leave your house then a legal process must be complied with before you can be evicted. This will include written notice and applying to the Court for a possession order. If you are evicted without the landlord following the correct process then the landlord is committing a criminal offence. In addition, if the landlord (or someone acting on his or her behalf) interferes with your peace or comfort either with unannounced visits, by not fulfilling his/her responsibilities for basic repairs (as listed above), disconnecting utility supplies etc. then this may amount to harassment which is a criminal offence. If you are in danger of eviction or suffering from harassment by your landlord then contact the Student Union Advice Centre, your local Council’s Housing Advice Team, or your Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Team. Citizen’s Advice also produce a booklet entitled "Protection Against Harassment and Unlawful Eviction "
Advice for women:
For personal safety, it is always advisable for you to view a property accompanied and try to arrange the appointment at a reasonable hour, although there are advantages to viewing it after dark in that you can get a feeling for how you will feel when walking home at night. It is important that you contact your University advice centre if you feel that you were in any way subjected to sexism or harassment during the appointment.
英国华人留学生网上找房 发布租房信息 网站网址大全
1. bittimes http://www.bittimes.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=2
2. Student Accommodation http://www.accommodationforstudents.com/
3. SAUK http://www.studentaccommodationuk.com/
4. Student Pad[Official Site] http://www.studentpad.co.uk/
5. Homes For Students http://www.homesforstudents.co.uk/
6. UNITE http://www.unite-students.com/
7. Pastures New http://www.pastures-new.co.uk/
8. Leeds找房 http://www.studentguru.co.uk/
9. Birmingham找房 http://www.ardenoak.co.uk/
10. Chesters http://www.chesters-uk.com/
11. Huddersfield http://www.huddersfield-student-accommodation.co.uk/
12. London找房 http://www.intolondon.com/
13. Bristol找房 http://www.sspbristol.co.uk/
14. Student Lets http://www.stud-lets.co.uk/
15. Student Haven http://www.studenthaven.co.uk/
16. Student House Hunt http://www.studenthousehunt.com/
17. Study Lets http://www.studylets.co.uk/
18. Student Village http://www.thestudentvillage.com/
19. 英国学生住宿指南 http://www.landlordzone.co.uk/dir/student-accommodation.htm
20. Hull, Lincoln, Loughborough, Durham and Exeter http://www.clubeasystudent.co.uk/
21. Email4property http://www.email4property.co.uk/
22. Torent http://www.torent.co.uk/
23. Letalife http://www.letalife.com/
24. FlatemateWorld http://uk.easyroommate.com/
25. GHL Properties http://www.ghlproperties.co.uk/
26. Letting Search http://www.lettingsearch.co.uk/
27. Find a Property http://www.findaproperty.com/
28. The House Exchange http://www.thehouseexchange.co.uk/
29. Homes Seekers http://www.homes-seekers.co.uk/
30. Prime Location http://www.primelocation.com/
31. Property Finder http://www.propertyfinder.com/
32. Rooms ForLet http://www.roomsforlet.co.uk/
33. House Pals http://www.housepals.co.uk/
34. Net House Prices http://www.nethouseprices.com/
35. Rightmove http://www.rightmove.co.uk/
36. Property Go http://www.property-go.co.uk/
37. Fish4Lettings http://www.fish4.co.uk/
38. The Lettings http://www.thelettingsco.co.uk/
39. Daily Info http://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/
[ 编辑 Aries420 在 06-03-18 23:53 ]
1. Liverpool大学 http://www.liv.ac.uk/accommodation/
2. Loughborough大学 http://accommodation.lboro.ac.uk/
3. Bradford大学 http://www.bradford.ac.uk/accommodation/
4. Robert Gordon大学 http://www.rgu.ac.uk/accommodation/
5. The Big Choice http://www.thebigchoice.com/Accommodation/
6. 阿伯丁大学 http://www.abdn.ac.uk/accommodation/
7. Leeds Metropolitan大学 http://www.lmu.ac.uk/fm/accomm/
8. UCL大学 http://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/accommodation/
9. Queen’s University http://www.qub.ac.uk/sacc/
10. Bath大学 http://www.bath.ac.uk/accommodation/
11. Royol Holloway大学 http://www.rhul.ac.uk/For-Students/accommodation.html
12. Strathclyde 大学 http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/RESCAT/
13. West of England大学 http://www.uwe.ac.uk/accommodation/
14. 伦敦大学 http://www.housing.lon.ac.uk/
15. Central Lancashire大学 http://www.uclan.ac.uk/other/hs/saccomm/
16. York大学 http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/accom/
17. Leeds大学 http://www.leeds.ac.uk/accommodation/
18. Birmingham大学 http://www.housing.bham.ac.uk/
19. Lodon Metropolitan大学 http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/accommodation/
20. Plymouth大学 http://www.plymouth.ac.uk/pages/view.asp?page=30
21. Exeter大学 http://www.exeteruniversityaccommodation.co.uk/
22. Ulster大学 http://www.ulster.ac.uk/accommodation/
23. Sheffield大学 http://www.shef.ac.uk/housing/
24. Dundee大学 http://www.dundee.ac.uk/residences/index.html
25. Nottingham Trent大学 http://www.ntu.ac.uk/prospective … modation/index.html
26. Sheffield Hallam大学 http://www.shu.ac.uk/accommodation/
27. Queen Mary大学 http://www.qmul.ac.uk/qmliving/accommodation/
28. King’s College London http://www.kcl.ac.uk/accomm
2.银行的利息一般比较高,如果能拿到其他Lender(ie,一些 Buiding Society)的,利息就会比较低,但是因为其他的Lender没有你的银行纪录,就会依据他们的信用评分系统给你打分,因为你是外国人,可能评分达不到他们的标准,所以可能申请失败.所以如果你想试试其他的贷款,要找那种没有申请费的,因为有申请费的,失败了就划不来了.
3.一般最多可以贷到房子价值或购买价格的97%,但是一般贷90%比较划算.因为超过90%的贷款要交High Risk Fee,大概在600-700镑,如果房子不是很贵,就不值了.另外,如果贷90%,可以选择的Lender比较多,有一些比较小规模的Lender为了避免风险,最多贷给你90%,但是他们的利息比较低
6.现在的利息比较低,当然最合适的是Fixed Rate的了,Fixed时间越长越好了但是Fixed的附加费用比较多
7.Deposit部分可以借Personal Loan补足
8,建议,和Property Agent的Morgage Advisor和你银行的 Morgange Advisor都谈一下,都是免费的
1. 刚开始要私人协商, 以期快速解决问题.
2. 确定其没有诚意或故意拖欠的情况下, 不要再相信其编造的各种拖欠理由. 要向他发出口头或书面警告. 警告内容要包括(还款数额, 期限, 及无视警告的后果.)
3. 在对方无视警告的情况下(有些房东是死猪不怕开水汤, 能赖这种优惠的"无息贷款"多一天就是一天), send county court claim against the landlord.要到当地的county court 领取表格. 由county court 通知房东还钱. 房东必须要在14天以内还钱, 除非他宣布破产, 或否认欠款.
4. 在否认欠款的情况下, 就要通过法庭裁决了. 5000镑以下的定金一般就不用找律师了. 房产契约, 定金收据, 有关日记, 信件等都可作为证据.
5. 拿到定金后告诉无赖房东: you scum and loser.
1. Local citizen advice bureau. 能给你些建议在协商阶段.
2. Local police station. 能给你壮胆在警告阶段. 但直接帮助不大.
3. Local county court. 最后的杀手锏. 直接有效, 但费时费力费金 (要花费几十镑到一百多镑不等). 建议作为威慑.
这是我从自己的亲身经历总结得出, 希望能对以后遇到类似情况的国人有所帮助.
找local county court具体步骤如何啊?楼主能不能详细一点呢?
全 up
thank u , we are planning buy a house at the moment
LZ真是有心了,辛苦辛苦 :polite: