T2签证第五年,本来都打算申请PR,因为年初给小孩递交了EU Settlement 被告知我也可以申请,虽然我一再说自己不是欧盟护照拿的T2签证
结果就耗了大半年,我T2下周就过期了,昨天通知我只能给预居留,因为sponsor 时间没有五年,虽然我自己满了,电话那头就问我接受不,感觉就算不答应,换其他人重审也一样!
You can continue (as set out in the important information below) to:
• work in the UK
• use the NHS
• enrol in education or continue studying
• access public funds such as benefits and pensions, if you are eligible for them
• travel in and out of the UK
So can I apply for child benefit now?
We finished the call yesterday afternoon and got the letter early mornig.
I still have three options:
1. apply for settlement for free;
2. apply for administrative review with fees (no idea how much);
3. appeal
If you disagree with our decision
If you believe that you qualify for settled status already or you have additional information or evidence that shows you meet the requirements, you can make another free application under the EU Settlement Scheme at any time online at: https://apply-for-eu-settled-status.homeoffice.gov.uk.
Applications are free of charge and you can apply at any time while your pre-settled status remains valid.Alternatively, you can apply for administrative review if you think the decision maker made an error or did not follow the published guidance, or where you have new information or evidence in support of your application.
You have 28 calendar days from the date on which you receive this decision to apply for administrative review.You can also appeal this decision to the First Tier Tribunal under the Immigration Citizens’ Rights Appeals (EU Exit) Regulations 2020.
If you are in the UK on the date of this decision you have 14 calendar days after the date this letter is sent to appeal.
T2 5年不可以申请ILR么?另外一个route
EU settlement 有卡吗? 好像没有吧。。。
就是那个要钱的永居!其实是准备的,life in the UK也考过了
我们non EU必须走正常的移民申请。
Who should apply
Except in a few cases, you need to apply if:
- you’re an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
- you’re not an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, but your family member is (or is an eligible person of Northern Ireland)
有一些例外的细则你也可以看看 因为你说你老公在外地
他们给你pre settle status。 就是在英国的时间还不到5年。先申请这个,然后到了5年,你就直接申请IRL. 例子 申请的时候4年 给你pre settle status 过一年后,5年了,就去申请settle status(IRL)主要的是免费。
那没问题啊,因为你孩子已经在英国了。例外有写如果你是欧盟孩子的primary carer在英国,那就可以申请。应该看来是从你孩子的角度考虑的。所以你的五年和你的T2已经没关系了。就像楼上说的等这个presettle五年了再转永居。
你说的pre settle符合我家娃和爸,所以拿到这个结果我觉的很正常!
所以才纠结该不该还是用T2走永居!这不又得等五年?而且我也没看到EU Settlement 里面有任何sponsorship 之说
你是因為EU老公才有這個EU settlement, 所以你老公才是你的 sponsor啊
presettle五年了再转永居 再加上T2 五年 這都十年啦!!!
现在就是看home Office给不给她算了,我觉得很难说,因为T2是non EU线路,要收钱,她不走这个就等于放弃了这个线路了。。就好比本来是T2签证,又嫁了英国人转配偶签证,那之前T2的那些年限就不算了,要重新走五年配偶啊。。
这个EU Scheme是新的针对EU的线路,那Home office肯定就根据她EU 家属的情况来判定了。。所以就是看要不要£3000多走T2买个安心啊,因为她说她老公工不常在英国啊,如果以后这个政策有变化,转永居要看在英国的证明,那就有风险在。。
对的,我就是纠结于此!因为这个scheme明年六月就停止了,这些办事人员也散了,至于怎么转settlement 完全不清楚,所以觉得还是有风险的!