换新Flat Roof,这样的价格合理么?共4600磅,工人不讲价。


Here is quote for xxx.
Total cost:- £2500/-

Work process:-
We will remove old felt. As old felt are gone quite bad. After remove old felt we will lay new 2mm torch on underlay all around. On first layer of 2mm torch on underlay we will lay another 2mm underlay. After 2 layers of underlay we will lay new 4-5mm high performance torch on toplayer.
At the end of work we will remove all related material and rubbish from site.
All related material and labour include in above price.
12 years warranty for any water leak from flat roof.

Here is quote for xxx
Total cost:- £2100/-

Work process:-
Old flat Roof is ashphalt so just need cleaning don’t need to remove and we can start ley new new felt.
we will lay new 2mm torch on underlay all around. On first layer of 2mm torch on underlay we will lay another 2mm underlay. After 2 layers of underlay we will lay new 4-5mm high performance torch on toplayer.
At the end of work we will remove all related material and rubbish from site.
All related material and labour include in above price.
12 years warranty for any water leak from flat roof.


我没看明白 你这是要修两个房顶?为啥两个报价?如果一个2000多这个价格还是可以的





我前几天弄了一个 没换木板 一个报价2500 一个报价1500 但是2500那个做的东西多 用的也不是felt 用的rubber 我后来找了1500那个做 但是后来说他其实收少了 我估计得再加300就是1800 我在非伦敦区

你的比我的复杂 所以我觉得这个价格是可以的

这felt 有点老技术了,还是上fibre glass roof比较耐用
要记得让他们上 E280 Expansion Trim ,弄的好起码卅年甭操心,顶多补一点 acrylic roof paint

平顶要仔细弄。这种技术太老了,还是上Fibre glass吧。

工人关于为什么不用fibre glass 的解释

For the fiberglass we have to put new OSB 3 board also. Means we have to put new boards all around then Fiberglace on top it will be quite alot in diffrence in price. And to be honest Fiberglace is not good for box roofs as there is Lea ventilation in less ventilation Fiberglace start leaking after 1-2 years.
I could recommend you for Fiberglace in first quote but I will not go for Fiberglace in your roof.


前阵子我找人来给我房顶报价,只重装前半个屋顶(后半边没问题 不需要重装)给我报了£2,700。供你参考。

太费劲,我都DIY,warm deck roof 上面铺德国RESITRIX EPDM , 商业工程上没有人用fibre glass, 很容易坏,不好维修。

连简单的fibre glass 都弄不好,还说一两年包漏。楼主还考虑这货?DIY都弄的好的屋顶,还好保修。要不然去YouTube 看修屋顶的对fibre glass 说法再考虑。新
Osb3板是必须的,旧的渗水才要维修;现在不一次过把底板换了不是治标不治本?怕warm roof可以加roof vent 或者小sky light

fiber glass 不是很容易弄,不要以为什么工作都是容易的,没弄过贴石膏板和批灰的自己试一下,看YouTube是一回事情,做好是另外一回事情,fiber glass 做的好的是110到150一平米

Felt roof 很多人可以做,fibre glass 不是人人都会,你要问他是一直做fibre glass 还是之前用其他材料

你说的fibre glass 是这种,这种不是非常容易的,因为要比较细致

我DIY 没有做过fibre glass的屋顶,但是我做过epdm的,如果从漏水几率上比较,个人感觉fibre glass的远不如EPDM,当然了,fibre glass 做平屋顶很常见,说明也不差,但是至少我是这么认为的。



