要入手的房子没有building regulation certificate, 怎么办?

谢谢您的回复! 我们现在就想让卖家补个retrospective, 不知道卖家同不同意。即使同时也不知道等多长时间才能补上。如果 不同意我们可能就撤退了。 万一有个事情保险公司都不管。 主要这加建厨房才盖了5年。不知道能不能禁得起时间的考验。


The test of time is subjective and depends on how complicated the extension was.

If your extension is simply a ground floor kitchen extension, no other rooms, then this is very basic when it comes to building works. If it was a double or triple storey extension where you have the kitchen downstairs, bedroom on top, and then a third floor loft room then that would be more complex and would need in my opinion ten years to make me consider buying it.

It’s your decision at the end of the day, but for a single, ground floor extension, I personally wouldn’t really be that worried that it doesn’t have a building regs sign off.

Did you ask the seller why they don’t have the sign off? There may be a simple explanation.

Also, consider the costs of what you’ve already spent on valuations, surveys and searches and solicitors costs plus the stamp duty holiday you will miss out on.

之前的饭厅和厨房中间有个墙打通了然后延长了3米,厨房变成了开放式,总共扩了21、2米这样子。中介说,房主以为他有这个reg, 但是没有。我觉得是个借口。毕竟才盖了5年。为什么不弄这个reg,我就搞不懂了。也没多少钱的事儿。我要是买了这个房子,home insurance 不会理赔,万一有个什么事儿,这是我纠结的地方。毕竟,这个房子他们自己住了12你年,加建了才5年,但我想不可能会盖的很烂。就是搞不懂房主干嘛不弄一Reg。 陪进去了很多钱了如果不买的话,我就当买个教训。


这个只是回答错问题,少说一间OTHERS ROOM也不理赔。英国这个国家,字字珠玑。错一个字眼少一份文件证明。吃苦吃亏的是自己


理解有误。 4年后是不能拆 如果没有planning permission。但这和building regulation certificate没有关系。building regulation certificate只是证明这个加建符合国家规定的基本建筑上的要求。planning permission证明这个加建是不是被允许盖的项目。