要入手的房子没有building regulation certificate, 怎么办?

请大神们给出出招数。 1)现在要买的房子seller does not have the final building regulations completion certificate for extension. 好像在local search 上找不到。 但是政府批文当时他们是可以盖的, 只有这个approval 可以盖,之后的什么certificate 就没有了。 卖家offer 一个indemnity 的一个保险, 可能就是房要是塌了可以赔钱之类的东西。 这个卖家没有证书可以向当地政府补要一份吗? 我们要是买了,以后这种是不是不好卖?

2)当时做的厨房扩建 seller do not have a copy of the 2015 electrical installation report. This is also not noted in the local authority search and so we are unable to confirm whether the works were carried out by a qualified and regulated electrician. 关于这点我们是不是要求他们找个有资格的电工出个证书就可以??

请大神们帮帮忙给点意见, 谢谢了!

  1. 要弄个building regularisation certificate,通常要挖地基给BC OFFICER检查。还要挖地板看保暖层防水胶等等。可能墙壁也要钻孔看保温棉50MM有没有存在
    这个没有BUILDING CONTROL APPROVAL 令人怀疑,可能工作质量不过关所以当时没有申请政府官员来检查。懂得都会根据法律要求来建筑。
    体外话,这属于非法加建。要是着火房屋保险可能不理赔。当然INDEMITY只是赔REINSTATE COST OF BUILDING STRUCTURE。卖家介绍的就是包加盖那部分罢了
    2。这个电工检查出个SAFETY CHECK CERTIFICATE 就可以了。没有CERT 之前电线短路着火保险不理赔的

谢谢您的回答。 这是让我在想还要不要买啊,已经进行到最后了快, 投进了很多钱很多经历。 但是比起这种大事儿, 损失一些也无关紧要。 太烦了。。。。 好棘手。

我自己有套很久之前被政府下了LAND CHARGED。不能卖,不能贷款。后来拆了加建的部分检查后再申请BC CERT

我们申请了些贷款没问题的, 已经下来了。 就是可能买到手里怕以后不好出手了。 再说给offer的时候不会涉及到这些问题啊,都是走程序的时候涉及到的。 可能还是自己没经验, 一开始就应该问。

  1. 我之前的房子就是有很早以前的加建,也没有certificate,但有好多次历史成交,就没担心,卖的时候加了indemnity保险,也没耽误事。


1)我们要买的这个房是2015扩的厨房。还没有几年呢,律师提供了indemnity, 但是还是感觉心里不踏实。这个才6年。不知道会不会住着住着就这有毛病哪儿有毛病的。这个再补个building reg也不不实际的吧?房都盖了很多年?


我要是你的话我不会买的。2015年加盖的没有building reg approval证明肯定有东西做得不规范。我们家现在正在扩建,每一步building reg inspector都会过来检查过再进行下一步的。没有证我个人估计是有某些不能改正的地方错了。之前有个报道说有家人做的是open plan kitchen,不符合防火要求然后building reg不能签字,要拿到证的话必须有30分钟的防火通道,就是得把走廊重新间开来。

可以这个贷款批下来,能转到别的放上吗? 我们今天做FULL SURVEY, 先看看怎么说。 主要花了很大的精力在这个放上。推出有点痛苦。 我们买来预计得住个10年以上。 那个时候再卖估计买家不会太纠结, 因为这个搭建已经经过时间考验了? 我也不太懂。 看看周一的报告怎么说在决定。

没问题发生最好,要是有问题发生。屋子出了问题而且保险不理赔,那可还欠着银行贷款。 楼主可以试看看找building insurance quote (rebuild and fire risk quote)买的时候加注说rear extension 没有building control certificate。看看保险公司接不接待你,要是他们乐意出保单(加上那个注明)又理赔的话才继续买



后来同事一朋友买了那套房,重新翻修后,改造成他们的dream house。结果一次大雨,公共下水道的问题导致她家整套房子被淹。我听同事说起,才知道那套房子正是我们当初要买的,一下觉得当初的损失真是太值了,逃过一劫的感觉。


MM 说的对啊, 我就是心里有些不情愿, 我们的case也挺复杂, 弄的过程很繁琐。 这个不要的话, 损失是不是自己承担? 还是对方? 我们律师一月中旬就管他们要这个证书, 他们一直没有提供, 直到了昨天才说, 这程序马上就走完了。 这不是坑人吗?

I’ve read the comments and agree to some of them.

First of all, do you really like the house and are you happy with the price.?

Building regs have been around for ages but if you know anything about houses, the regs are not worth the paper they are written on. A classic example of this is new builds. They are mass produced very quickly but often to very poor standards but still pass regs. It doesn’t mean the structure of the building is any better and in most cases is often worse than house built 20 years ago.

It is very common to have house extensions with no building regs certificate. This never stops a purchase from going through and the indemnity insurance policy has been around for ages which proves it’s accepted practice. If it was so bad to not have a certificate, they wouldn’t have catered for an insurance policy to cover it.

As I said earlier, our house has several extensions with a missing reg certificate. However, I knew the value of the house and checked it over before buying and we have had no issues since.

A simple way to check if the electrics have been done to a reasonable standard is to view the fuse board. If there are separate RCDs for the extension then it would be safe to assume that the works were done properly. Obviously it’s better to have a certificate than not have one but it didn’t stop us buying our house and if you don’t buy the house you want, someone else will come and purchase it.

Might be worth asking the sellers if they took any pictures of the building works to show the different stages. When we did our extension we took lots of pictures with measurements so I can show to the next buyers the quality of the build work.

If you are going to be worrying every night that the house might fall apart or a fire might start then find another house and let someone else buy this one.

Finally, what kind of house are you buying? detached, semi? How much of the original house is still the same and what proportion of it is the new extension (missing the reg certificate)?
Do you know when the house was originally built?

All of this information will help you make an informed decision. Some people won’t take any risks in life, some will, it all depends on how big a risk it is and if you have any other houses lined up.


首先谢谢您全面详细的回答。对我很有帮助。我们要买的这个房子是detached。对他们的房价合不合理,我没法评价(本身经验不足,只能靠银行来评估。 银行评估的比我们的offer少了几万。就算他的构建非常牢固,我现在就是担心的如果我做的别的什么东西,比如他们家的厨房和客厅的是通着的,我想给封上。可我现在犹豫了,不知道封墙(简易墙)要不要通知council, 会要这个 building reg吗?比如我要改暖气,要把暖气改成暖气片挂在客厅落地窗两侧,这样就有整面墙好放家具。车库改健身房,这些是不是都要reg? 我不知道在哪里看了个M M帖子说是如果之前的建筑没有reg, 以后做任何改动也不能有REG,应为council 会知道你以前的建筑是违法的。事儿就大了。所以我的忧郁不光是这个建筑没有REG,还包括是不是我自己再改动什么东西都不能去申请,只能私自做,但又不想自己做的不合法化。


You can’t rely on the bank’s valuation unless they physically went inside the house to perform the valuation. Most banks perform what’s known as a driveby valuation. They simple estimate the value of the house based on the street prices and sizes.

You need to check what the previous sales on the street of similar houses were. You can do this by previous sales on right move or the government website. What you can do is check the floor plans on right move of other houses on the street and also how much work they required to get them up to a modern standard. That will give you an idea of what is a fair price.

We also performed similar works to what you want to do in the house. We converted our large double garage so we have an open plan front of the house to the back of the house covering 30 metres in length. Garage converstion is classed as permitted development so you shouldn’t need any planning permission or consent (unless you are in a conservation area or it is a listed building).

If you plan to have electrical works in the new area then you would need a qualified electrician to do the works and they can issue you with a certificate to confirm the works have been done to standards.

Putting up a stud wall does not require building regs but you need to make sure fire escapes are counted for. In all honesty, if you were to create two rooms like that you may devalue the house as most people want open plan now and take walls down, not put them up.
By the way sellers are not supposed to disclosure any information with regards to the building regs right until the very end of process through solicitors of both sides therefore they are NOT deliberately hiding this information from you, it is just a normal approach.
Happy to help and good luck in finding your perfect house!

银行估价少了几万说明你出价高了,最后同意按什么价格成交?是银行的估价还是出的高价? 应该讲了价的吧。

这个证书还是挺重要的,是个很基本的证书,只要满足最低要求就发证的。没有这个证书说明有地方不符合要求,所以房主故意拖到最后逼你就范。如果你实在喜欢想买,也是可以再讲价的,毕竟你要承担额外的风险。如果电不合规,起火什么的,保险公司是不会赔的,那个额外的 indemnity保险是不保这种情况的。我觉得还是别买的好,哪怕便宜一点,更何况还不便宜。你现在的麻烦就是以后下一个买家的麻烦。

买下来把这个“approval 可以盖”的加建拆了改建,或者找council来看,哪里不合格改到合格,council 该不会说“当时不合格” 以后怎么改善都不给你合格吧?

银行估价少几万?你们自己出这个价还是有人竞争?这个要试试砍价啊,full survey结果出来你找些藉口砍砍价,对方就算不同意你们也不亏什么

最后还没有议价, 昨天刚刚做的survey, 等结果过两天出来再说。