This is determined by the Statutory Residence Test. The most likely scenarios are as follows:
You work abroad for less than one complete tax year and/or on a casual basis. In this case you should expect to remain resident and taxable in the UK, but you will need to confirm this by working through the Statutory Residence Test. You may need to file a UK Self Assessment tax return in order to report your overseas earnings and claim any double taxation relief (more on this below).
You work abroad on a more or less ongoing, full-time basis for the whole of one complete tax year. There are strict conditions relating to this, the most important of which are that you spend fewer than 91 days in the UK and have fewer than 31 UK workdays during the tax year (see paragraph 1.7 onwards of HMRC’s booklet RDR3 for the detail). In this case we would expect that you would cease to be UK resident and hence not liable to UK tax on earnings from outside the UK. If you leave the UK part way through a tax year to work overseas on this basis, you should be able to ‘split’ that tax year into a resident and non-resident part. As such, you may be due a refund on any pre departure employment earnings because you will only have received part of your tax-free personal allowance under the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, when you are actually entitled to the whole amount.