Timber Wall 问题

刚刚收到House survey report里有提到以下外墙问题, 房子上层外面用的是WOOD TIMBER, 有大神了解如果修的问题大概是多少费用? 如果不修的话对以后卖房或REMORTGAGE 是否有影响? 中介说这些不是大问题他们卖过很多这样的房子贷款都没问题. 第一次买房对这个不是很了解.

The walls are of timber frame construction clad externally with a combination of composite/fibre cement panels, brickwork and some timber. The damp proof course could not be seen; however, in a building of this age a bitumen/felt damp-proof course is likely to be present.

The external walls we understand may have been retrospectively filled with cavity wall insulation in the past, which is inappropriate for timber frame construction. Further enquiries should therefore be made with the sellers to ascertain whether or not the timber-framed external walls have ever been injected with cavity wall insulation, because if they have, it will affect mortgageability and it will need to be removed.

A cracked fibre cement cladding panel was noted to the rear elevation. Repair/replace.
Some decay and deterioration of the painted finishes was noted to the timber sections. Repair/replace.

上个图片看看?是不是EXTENTION的顶部是你报告里所说的TIMEBER?一般来说TIMBER wall里是用成块的保暖泡沫或者保暖化纤棉填充的,有些人用一些类似于泡沫球似的填充物,只不过不太规范罢了,因为那东西太小不知道填充到什么地步,一面墙可能连1/2都填充不到,这样保暖效果就不太好了,仅此而已。

我又去看了一次房,其实是报告夸大了,timber wall没有填东西,房东在原有的timber wall 上又加了一层timber,有一个板当时踢球踢到上面裂了一条缝.