大家好,马上要换合同了,在homebuyers report中发现一下关于roof coverings的问题,标注是2 (Defects that need repairing or replacing but are not considered to be either serious or urgent).
请问这个问题严重吗,修一下大概要多少钱?请问和vendor沟通修理时是否合适把survey report寄一份给他们,划出重点?谢谢。
The ridge tile cement mortar has shrunk in places and will need to be repointed. In addition, it was noted that the rearmost ridge tile to the dormer ridge has become dislodged and will require re-fixing.
The bay roofs are covered with plain tiles which were generally found to be in satisfactory order. It was however noted that the lead flashing to the front elevation requires repointing at the junction with the main wall. If left the lead flashing will eventually pull away.
In addition, it was noted that the guttering to the neighbours die of the garage is damaged and requires repair.