疫情前英国光飞机航班的入境人数每个月就有700多万人次, 英国才多少人口. 英国的国家运作和英国人的生活方式就是需要大量人员往来和交流的, 现在大家都打过疫苗了, 国家要尝试恢复运作是必然的, 不用太在意阳性检测数据, 住院和死亡人数只要不高于强流感和肺炎时期的人数, 政府不会认为措施在失效
Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, February 2021
Table 1: Passengers arriving to the UK by air
Air arrivals | % of whom: British nationals | % change in total arrivals compared with same month in previous year | |
January 2020 | 7,082,000 | 41% | +1% |
February 20201 | 6,804,900 | 51% | -2% |
March 2020 | 3,815,300 | 58% | -51% |
April 2020 | 112,300 | 56% | -99% |