





前几天,收到HO的一封email,说我的签证应该要被拒签,因为时间没达到5年永居的要求。我有三个选择:1:撤回申请,提交其他的签证。2:7天之内不回复,或者要求继续签永居 3:实在不知道怎么办就去问有移民局资历的律师。



第四天,HO的一个case worker给我打电话,我也没问他名字,这边提醒大家要问清楚名字。他说我时间不够,还差2年,续签前面的不算。一顿扯皮加我急哭了。他说你说的对,总有特殊情况。你赶紧把你刚才对我讲的都写进email,然后发去之前的email地址,标明要给manager看的,你要保证你今天下午一定要发出来,我给我boss打电话,让他看看你的case,希望他能为你做点什么。然后我立马乱七八糟把能想到的人情牌都在email写进去了。




  1. 续签提交晚了1天(晚了八个小时)
  2. 续签在国内等签证等了3个多月

In the Home Office guidance for [Long residence] where it states,

‘Time spent outside the UK

Continuous residence is not considered broken if the applicant:

• is absent from the UK for 6 months or less at any one time

• had existing leave to enter or remain when they left and when they returned – this can include leave gained at port when returning to the UK as a non-visa national

• departed the UK before 24 November 2016, but after the expiry of their leave to remain, and applied for fresh entry clearance within 28 days of that previous leave expiring, and returned to the UK within 6 months’

[The Home Office’s guidance for Long residence Version17.0-page11]

In the Home Office guidance for [Indefinite Leave to Remain:

Calculating continuous period in UK ], where it states*,*

‘Continuation of lawful leave during absences from the UK

On or after 24 November 2016

The continuous period is maintained if the applicant either:

• leaves the UK with valid leave, applies for entry clearance before their leave expires, is granted and re-enters the UK using that entry clearance

• applies for new entry clearance within 14 days of their leave expiry date, one of the circumstances below applies, their application is granted and they re-enter the UK using that entry clearance

The circumstances are that:

• there was a good reason beyond the control of the applicant or their representative why the application could not be made in time

• the application was made following the refusal of an in-time application and within 14 days of:

o the refusal of the previous in-time application

o the expiry of any leave extended by section 3C of the Immigration Act 1971 (please note that 3C leave lapses when an applicant leaves the UK)

o the expiry of the time-limit for making an in-time application for administrative application for administrative review or appeal (where applicable)

o any administrative review or appeal being concluded, withdrawn, abandoned or lapsing’

[The Home Office’s guidance for Indefinite Leave to Remain:

Calculating continuous period in UK version17.0-page16]

Also, in the Home Office guidance for [Family Policy family life (as a partner or parent) private life and exceptional circumstances version14.0], where it states,

‘In applications for further limited leave to remain or for indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a partner, where there have been limited periods of time spent outside the UK, this must be for good reasons and the reasons must be consistent with the intention to live together permanently in the UK. Good reasons could include time spent overseas in connection with the applicant’s or their partner’s work, holidays, training or study.’

[Family Policy family life (as a partner or parent) private life and exceptional circumstances version14.0-page 26]


恭喜拿到永居。请问你在签证到期前,申请永居用的什么服务,standard还是priority? 大概多久收到移民局的通知?

谢谢!那个时候就是只有standard 服务可以选,按完指纹等到他们给我email是用了4个多月吧


