Form SET(M) must be used if you are applying for indefinite leave to remain in one of the following categories:
- family life as the partner of a person present and settled in the UK (2-year route). You will only be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain if you were last granted limited leave for a period of 27/24 months under Part 8 of the Immigration Rules and have completed at least 24 months with such leave as a partner under Part 8;
- family life as the partner of a person present and settled in the UK (5-year route). You will only be eligible to apply for indefinite leave if you were last granted 30 months limited leave to remain as a partner and have completed at least 60 months with such leave granted under Appendix FM on a 5-year route to settlement;
- family life as the parent of a child present and settled in the UK (5-year route). You will only be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain if you were last granted 30 months limited leave to remain as a parent and have completed at least 60 months with such leave granted under Appendix FM on a 5-year route to settlement.
看清楚黑体部分,home office每一个字都是很严谨的,2年route这里只写了limited leave,也就是说无论是境外还是境内得到的签证都符合,而5年路线的第二个2.5年写明了是limited leave to remain,所以只能是境内续签,而且后面半句有写at least 60 months of such leave的时候又很笼统,意为第一个2.5年可以是境内也可以是境外。
你在国内第二次签的配偶签证还是limited leave to enter,相当于重新开始第一个2.5年,所以他们说你时间不够,因为你真正qualify的年限只有最近的2.5年。所以你这次必须在英国再拿一个2.5年的limited leave to remain,从上次入境日起满5年才可以申请永居。
这里有必要啰嗦一下,leave这个词才是我们所说的签证即visa的意思,limited leave就是有限期的签证,to enter 是入境,to remain是继续呆着,顾名思义limited leave to enter是在境外申请的首次入境签证,limited leave to remian是境内续签,indefinite leave to remain/enter就是无限期的签证即永居。