

It’s a free hold property so there is no ground rent attached to the property, in fact the ground floor is on lease to the person living downstairs and he pays very minimum ground rent to the first floor apartment.

I had the insurance for both the whole property and building as the building belong to the first floor owner. so in theory the owner has to insure the property.

对房子本身,印象还可以。但因为我没有见过这样的情形,感觉有点节外生枝。其一,不知道会不会影响first time buyer的免税,因为它挂着楼下的lease;其二,google上说freehold flat会影响贷款,不清楚会不会发生在这个flat, 以后resell出问题。


你就不要当着这个是个free hold的房子了。这是俩lease hold flat,然后free hold 掌握在楼上。上下两户也可以share free hold.具体哪个mortgage lender不拒绝这种房子你可以咨询broker

感觉意思是说Flat都是lease hold的,first floor还有另外一个土地的free hold的合同。ground floor只有一个lease的 flat。


我是cash buyer.比较担心卖不出去

也是。因为是First time buyer, 握着楼下的lease,怕这个是要交税了。