苏格兰请厨师,鱼条餐厅外卖店出租 restaurant and take away to rent (fish and chip, bakery)

本人有一间餐厅位于苏格兰高地Wick, 餐厅原本是一家鱼条面包店,里面有鱼条和面包机器工具,以及所有的餐厅设备。想找一位很有经验的厨师做伙伴一起经营,你不用投资任何钱,你只要有经营和厨师方面的经验,帮我打理餐厅和外卖店就可以了,赚了你我各一半。当然你也可以租来你自己做生意。餐厅位于NC500旅游景点路线。本镇餐厅生意非常好,如有需要的话我可以提供住宿, 有兴趣和诚意的请联络我。联系方式微信: lindasss88 或 07476948082

I have a restaurant in Highland Scotland. it’s a fish and chip, bakery take away and restaurant which is fully equipment. I want to find an experienced chef to help me operate and create my new restaurant. Looking for someone serious and passionate about operating a restaurant. You don’t have to invest any money and you can get half of the profit as a half boss. Also, I am flexible for any ideas, for example, you can even just rent my restaurant and do your own business. the restaurant is located along the infamous NC500 tourist route. If needed, I can provide accommodation. Please contact 07856705044, WeChat : lindasss88