坐标伦敦,我家是卖自住房,再买一个也是自住。 这个中介推荐的,我今天看他们的信里说,他们是给中介介绍费的,这个介绍费不明说,但是如果我问,他会告知。。。。
On your sale: £ 795.00 + VAT
Mortgage redemption (if applicable) £ 95.00 + VAT
In addition we will have to make a number of payments to the government and others including (at present rates):
Disbursements £ 75.00 + VAT
Bank Charges £ 35.00 + VAT
Archive fee £ 20.00 + VAT
Official copy entries £ 6.00 + VAT
TOTAL £1,231.20 (Inc. Vat)
On this information we expect our charges to be:
On your purchase: £ 825.00 + VAT
Acting for lender fee (if applicable) £ 195.00 + VAT
In addition, we will have to make a number of payments to the government and others including (at present rates):
Disbursements £ 75.00 + VAT
Land Registry Search £ 12.00
Searches (local authority & drainage) £ 400.00 (approx.)
Bank Charges £ 35.00 + VAT
Land Registry Fee (online) £ 270.00
Stamp duty £ TBC
Stamp duty Land Tax form fee £ 75.00 + VAT
TOTAL £ 2,128.00 (Inc. Vat)