
给了一个100多年二手房offer,已经被接受了,但是律师说the flat lease does not contain a lease plan. A lease without a lease plan is now much less common but it is still seen amongst older leases. Based on the wording of the lease, it is possible to recognise the extent of the demised property as well as the access rights granted in relation to the same without a lease plan so I do not consider that the lease is defective. I did however want to flag this to you now as I anticipate that other solicitors may take a different view which may cause to issues in the event you want to sell the Property.

律师也解释了说他觉得这不是个问题,但卖的时候别的律师可能会觉得有问题,影响买卖。大家有人遇到这种问题过吗?有什么建议吗?中介网站上的floor plan和实际房子基本一致,但是标注的高度比房子实际高度不一向,标注只有2.1m高,但实际大概2.8m,这个有影响吗?


让你的律师给卖家的律师提一个要求,把lease plan加到lease上。这并不是什么不合理的要求。
